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Yes i have been vomiting for the past 5 days straight every morning , and i am pretty sure it is from the amoxicillin.

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Q: Will you vomit if you drink alcohol while taking amoxicillin?
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Can i drink alcohol while taking levofloxacin?

You can take both together, as long as you do not vomit after taking alcohol. But if you are ill then it is better if you do not take alcohol.

Why can you not drink alcohol without feeling dizzy and wanting to vomit?

Most commonly this is from a deficiency of the enzyme that degrades alcohol (alcohol dehydrogenase). This is very common in Asians.

Can you drink alcohol while on an antibiotic for a bacterial infection?

This depends on what you mean by "drink alcohol" <g> The only antibiotic that you absolutely CANNOT have any alcohol whatever is Flagyl or metronidazole - even splashing alcohol on your skin while taking that drug will make you vomit! It is generally not a good idea to drink lots of alcohol when your body is trying to heal from any infection. Alcohol slows everything down in your body and brain, and drinking more than maybe ONE drink the whole time you are on the antibiotic could make the infection last longer. The actual medication does not have any interaction with the alcohol like metronidazole does, though.

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Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd say about six and a half people british alcohol. Although some british people alcohol more than others. Some british people alcohol chips drink after vomit sleep.

BAC go down if you vomit?

No it does not, you will have stopped any alcohol in your stomach from getting into your blood but it will not have been much. Most likely just their last drink, alcohol is absorbed from the stomach into the bloodsteam very quickly.

Can I take cough drops when taking flagel with no side effects?

Can I take cough drops with menthol in them and Flagyl - there is menthol in the cough drops. Menthol is perhaps alcohol? Flagyl and alcohol make you vomit badly.

What will remove alcohol from your body?

easy don't drink at all or you could drink something undetectable

Is vomit a noun?

in the case "i vomit when i drink tequila" it is a verbin the case "eww, there is vomit on your shoe" it is a noun

If you just drink and not eat is that good?

No. There is a certain acid in your body that can get damaged by drinking any alcohol alone. Ever thought of how you get drunk and your stomach starts to hurt or you vomit ?

Will you vomit if you drink vanilla extract?

if you drink too much then yes

When i drink alcohol i feel like imma vomit why?

Some people do not metabolize alcohol as efficiently as others, causing the buildup of chemicals that, among other things, cause nausea. They also get drunk quicker, and have physical damage from the alcohol sooner. Women are particularly prone to this.

How do you stop vomit and diarrhea?

drink smoothies