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By skipping the placebo week, you only lower the risk of accidental pregnancy. It's possible to get pregnant using the birth control pill, but taking the packs back to back doesn't increase the risk.

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Q: Will taking the contraceptive pill back to back make it less effective and Will i get pregnant by doing this?
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You are asking the wrong question. Each time you have sex will either lead to a pregnancy or it won't. There is no way to predict in advance if it will happen or not. Statistical odds are of no use in predicting what will happen to you. The question you should be asking is, "Do I want to get pregnant and have a baby?" If the answer to this question is "No", then you need to stop having sex or, at the very least, take contraceptive measures such as having your boyfriend use a condom. If the answer is "Yes", then keep doing what you are doing.

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The chances are- you are most certainly not pregnant. If he was wearing a condom and did not ejaculate, you cannot be pregnant. In future, please bear in mind that you are doing very well if you use condoms every time you have sex. If you want extra reassurance regarding pregnancy, then go to your G.P and request a contraceptive pill.

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How can you get pregnant on birth control shot?

There is a possibility to become pregnant on any birth control method, so yes. Having said that, if taken correctly, it is extremely unlikely. If you are worried about it, using a second form of contraceptive, such as a condom, will never hurt.