If your doctor has prescribed morphine for you tell them that you take Benadryl. USUALLY it is okay to combine them as Morphine can cause you to feel itchy. Both Benadryl and Morphine can cause drowsiness so caution should be used always when combining medication together. The maximum dose of Benadryl for an adult is 50 mg every 6 hours. It is difficult to answer this question as there are different kinds of Morphine, specifically MSIR which is short acting morphine and Extended Release or "ER Morphine (such as MS Contin) with is time released. DO NOT BREAK OR CHEW ER MORPHINE as it will "dump" it's entire amount into the body at one time instead of being given over a 8 to 12 hour period. (Avinza is a 24 hour morphine pill, extreme caution should be used when dealing with ER Morphine as it is available in generic and numerous difference brand names, the most common being Avinza, Kadian and MS Contin.) IF you have been taking morphine for a period of time, at least several months and are not sedated by it then you probably could take Benadryl and Morphine together. Better advice is "When in doubt call your doctor or your pharmacist!" Overdosing on medication is easier than one thinks, it is much better to be safe than sorry.
No it will kill you
No it will not kill you, you can take both, but only take 1 morphine every 12 hrs and no more then 1 - 10.5 hydrocodone every 8 hrs. That's 2 Morphine and 3 hydrocodone in a 24 hrs. Side effect's will be constipation
It will kill you
in large enough doses, anything can be fatal, although you shouldn't even consider it.
Don't do it
The drug used by the mean neighbor in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is morphine. Mrs. Dubose is addicted to morphine and battles her addiction with courage and determination before passing away.
200 grams of morphine would kill anyone who took it. Morphine is usually administered in miligram quantities, example: 6mg of morphine intravenously is a strong dose.
Only take Morphine as instructed IF it is prescribed to you. It is very dangerous in high doses.
If you're sensitive to Morphine then 200mg can kill you.
How long should you wait to take pepto bismal after taking a 5mg valium.
You meanie head! Why would you want to kill a dog? Or did the dog eat some morphine and you want to make sure that it doesn't die!?! But still that's not nice!
Mrs. Dubose is addicted to morphine. She is battling this addiction and wants to break free from it before she dies. Her struggle with addiction serves as a subplot in "To Kill a Mockingbird" and showcases themes of courage and redemption.