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Folic acid does not aid in fertility but it is a necessary vitamin for pregnant women. It should be taken even before pregnancy. Folic Acid aids in proper spinal development and formation of the fetus.

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Brycen Goodwin

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2y ago
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17y ago

Folic acid would NOT help you get pregnant, but if you want to get pregnant, taking daily folic acid is very important and good for your unborn child and prevents some birth defects.. that being said.. it can take 12-18 months or even more sometimes for Depo to clear out of your system. If you want to get pregnant, you may benefit from taking a few months of Birth Control pills or the patch to get your cycle back to normal. ~pawsalmighty Answer NO, NO NO. Taking more contraceptive hormones will not help you get pregnant more quickly. The hormones in Depo are exactly the same as those in the pill/patch so taking more means it takes longer for them to disappear from your system.

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I have tried to get pregnant for the last 5 months. But still can't. Can taking folic acid help me?

Folic acid will not help you get pregnantit is to help you have healthy babies when you DO get pregnant. Many couples take six months or more to conceive.

You began taking folic acid 7 weeks into your pregnancy when should you stop its your first pregnancy?

Ideally they like you to start taking them 3 months before you even get pregnant. so unless you have now started a regular prenatal vitamin, keep taking the folic acid. it's better than nothing.

Intake of folic acid can make a possibility to get pregnant?

i don't think taking folic acid enhances your chances of falling pregnant, however if you are trying, then start taking it asap so from the moment your baby is conceived so he/she is getting the amount of folic acid required for proper fetal development & to minimise some birth defects :)

After taking meta phage 500 mg and folic acid when can you expect your periods?

1 to 2 months.

12 wks pregnant diagnosed with Spina Bifida 10 years ago what risk do you have?

If the mother was not taking folic acid supplements at least 3 months prior to conception and continued taking them through the first trimester of her pregnancy, then her chances of having a child with spina bifida is approximately 3%. If she had been taking at least 4 mg of folic acid per day, her risk is reduced to 1%.

Is taking folic acid helpful in getting pregnant your doctor gave you a folic acid tablet of 1000mcg Is it safe to take that?

It is safe to take. I helps prevent neural tube disorders in babies.

When the pregnant woman can take a folic acid?

You should be taking 0.5mg of folate per day for three months before you fall pregnancy and for your entire pregnancy. Studies have shown that to be most effective you need to take this EVERY day, not just 6 days a week and hope for the best on the other day.

Can you drink vitamin water in lieu of taking prenatal vitamin?

No. Prenatals contain folic acid, which you need in order to prevent fetal monstrosities. Vitamin water does not contain folic acid in sufficient quantities for a pregnant woman

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Does folic acid help support pregnancy?

The Department of Health recommends that women should take a daily supplement of 0.4mg of folic acid while they are trying to conceive, and should continue taking this dose for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's spine is developing. Therefore, it doesn't help a woman to get pregnant, it assists with the spinal development of the fetus.

You are 9 weeks pregnant what should you eat?

There is no special diet for 9 weeks pregnant woman. She can take the diet she likes. She need to take 5 mg folic acid daily in first three months.

Will taking prenatal vitamins cause facial hair?

i have started a course of folic acid over the last three months as i hope to try to fall pregnant but i have noticed excessive facial hair growth recently and dont know if this is related or coincidence has anyone else experienced this ?