Yes, any drug will
If you don't do drugs, you will pass the urine test.
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No, that will just dilute your urine and you'll get in trouble for not having the legal amount of creatine in your urine.
Will you pass a swab drug test if you passed a urine drug test on the same day?
I can't be dedected by a stick test, but it could in a lad test. It has creatine in it and some labs now, especially if it's for probation, test for that to see if you used a urine cleaner.
you should pass a urine test
Creatine does absolutely nothing to clean out your system. People use creatine for a drug test when they drink huge amounts of water to dilute their urine. However when you dilute, your creatine level drops to an abnormal state, and labs can detect this. People take creatine to make their creatine levels average when they dilute.
U can pass by not doing drugs
No you will not pass it.