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No...but if they're testing for tobacco, they probably also test for marijuana.

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Q: Will marijuana show up on insurance tobacco test?
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Does it show smoking cigarettes on a drug test if so how far back?

Yes, cigarettes can show in a blood test, and it is commonly tested for in order to receive health insurance discounts. Tests for other substances, such as smoking marijuana, are able to show some of the toxins found in tobacco and will indicate tobacco use. Depending on the type of test the results can go back many months.

Can Cuban cigars show up in a drug test as weed?

Wow......if tobacco and marijuana were the same thing then the answer would be yes, but any intelligent person knows they aren't so therefore the logical answer is no it will not show up. Cigars are made with tobacco.

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If they are LOOKING for tobacco, then yes... Most drug tests do not look for tobacco, unless it is for a specific reason... ex: health / life insurance....

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No. A tobacco test looks for.. well... tobacco. A marijuana drug test looks for THC.

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no, if you just had it in your hands it will not show on a drug test.

Does smoking Grape Swisher cigars confuse marijuana detection tests?

No, the ingredient in Marijuana is THC. Unless the drug test is testing for tobacco, you will be fine.

Will ecstasy show up in a marijuana urine test?

no if it's just a marijuana test than it will be testing for THC mdma

Do schools drug test for tobacco I go to a high school in Kentucky i play volleyball I just want to know if my school will drug test for tobacco?

Most schools will not drug test for tobacco. Most drug test will not show up tobacco.

How much marijuana does it take to show up on a drug test?

A very small amount of marijuana can show up on a drug test. Most companies will allow a small amount of up to 20 ng to show up on a drug test and not test positive.

When applying for health insurance does the blood test include marijuana testing?
