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It is common for pregnant women to have to take antibiotics at times when pregnant. It depends on the specific antibiotic and the dosage as to whether it's safe for the baby or not. Your dentist or ob/gyn will be able to tell you which ones are safe to take. But never self medicate with antibiotics you already have, or with antibiotics given to you by someone else (relative, friend, etc.) even if you are not pregnant.

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Q: Will it hurt your baby if you take an antibiotic for a toothache?
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What kind of antibiotics can you buy over the counter for a toothache?

Antibiotics should not be prescribed for toothache, except where the toothache is due to an Abscess, under or around the tooth. In this case, it is normal to prescribe a Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, such as Penicillin, unless the patient is known to react adversely to this, in which case another antibiotic is substituted.

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It is actually recommended to take acidophilus when you are on an antibiotic, because it helps your stomach to renew the good bacteria that an antibiotic can remove from your stomach. It won't hurt your bladder.

How long does penicillin take to feel affects from a toothache?

Penicillin is an antibiotic, not a painkiller. It won't help with the ache at all, but may begin to show results of the ache is caused by an infection after some days of use.

How did the tudors cure a toothache?

by saying jesus christ for mercy sake take away this toothache

Can you take germentin for a toothache?

Yes you can.

Toothache and you are on methadone for opiate dependency what can you take to get relief from the toothache?

I suggest you must talk to an expert, a dentist.

How do egyptians cure a toothache?

take a paracetamol!

I went to the emergency room for a toothache was given amoxicillin yet cant see the dentist for three weeks when I run out of the amoxicillin can take penicillin?

I guess when you have an emergency for a toothache and your dentist prescribes you an antibiotic, if you run out then you would have to go back to your dentist. The reason for that is, you have too be prescribed the same medication and not mix them. I suggest that you get a refill. The point is, you should not mix the medication.

You are about 4 months pregnant will it hurt the baby if you take pain killers?

Yes taking pain killers can hurt the baby any doctor will tell you that. You can only take pain medicine without acetimenophen.

Is a temperature of 39 degree Celsius dangerous for a 16 month old baby?

You should take baby to a doctor 40C is dangerous; a doctor may prescribe antibiotic.

What is the answer to the dingbat mula mula mula mula?

toothache two thakes = two thake toothache :p