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Yes, especially if it's the first time in the day you urinate it is very concentrated.

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Q: Will being dehydrated make drug levels higher in a urine drug test?
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How would a person know if they were dehydrated?

If your urine is cloudy,you are dehydrated.

What pecent of water is in human urine?

Typically urine is around 92-96% water unless you are dehydrated (which would make the % lower) or hypersaturated (which would make the % higher)

Does glucose increase or decrease in sitting urine?

Glucose levels in urine typically increase after meals when blood glucose levels rise. Glucose excretion in urine is typically higher when blood glucose levels are elevated, such as in uncontrolled diabetes.

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Normal nitrate levels in urine are typically less than 20 mg/dL. Higher levels may indicate a urinary tract infection.

How does your urine tell you that you are dehydrated?

because its yellow

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Why is more concentrated yellowish urine excreted in summers?

Typically, summer temperatures cause people to become dehydrated. Dehydrated people produce concentrated urine.

Is acidic urine darker?

Urine becomes darker only if you are dehydrated. Drink more water and the waste becomes a lighter color. When you are dehydrated (Darker color) your urine is more acidic than normal.

What does it means when your urine is dark?

it usally means your dehydrated

What does it mean when your urine is strongly scented?

It means your Dehydrated.

Is thirst is a good indicator of how dehydrated someone is?

It can be. But the best way to tell is by how yellow their urine is. The darker it is, the more dehydrated the person is.

Why is my urine very cloudy and amp burns when urinating very little urine dehydrated.?

You must see your doctor.