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Q: Will a baby die from ingesting a 750mg vicodin?
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What happens when you take a fatal amount of vicodin?

you die

Has there been a case of marijuana death?

No. You can not die from ingesting marijuana.

Can you die from ingesting comet cleaner?

Contact your local poison control center or visit the hospital immediately after accidentally ingesting Comet or any other cleaning chemical of any kind.

Animals ingesting hydrocuyanic acid what happens?

there blood turns bright red and they begin to die

Is it true that if you take magic mushrooms and your appendix has been taken out you could die?

No, ingesting magic mushrooms after your appendix has been removed is not any more dangerous than ingesting them with a functional appendix.

What would cause foam to come out of a dead persons nose or mouth?

Rabies? and if they die from ingesting chlorine

Can a baby lamb bloat?

Yes, baby lambs can develop bloat, which is a build-up of gas in their stomach. It can be caused by overeating, consuming too much milk or milk replacer too quickly, or ingesting legumes like clover. Bloat can be dangerous and requires prompt veterinary attention.

Can a baby die in your stomach?

The baby is not in the stomach and would certainly die if it were. The baby is in the womb and yes they do die sometimes

Can dogs die from banana bread batter?

A dog will not die from ingesting a small to moderate amount of banana bread batter. It should not be encouraged, however.

Did baby vegeta die or baby?

No She Is Not An Baby She Is An Alien Baby ! Dangerous !

Can a cat die from ingesting a rubber band?

Yes, a cat can die from ingesting a rubber band. The rubber band can cause blockages in the cat's digestive system, leading to serious health complications or even death. It is important to keep small objects like rubber bands out of reach of pets to prevent accidental ingestion.