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I used to be 190 before I took Seroquel and now I weigh a whooping 240, seroquel is definitly the cause... depression doesn't help either.

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Q: Will Seroquel decrease your appetite
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What is worse weight gain on depakote dr or seroquel?

Seroquel is definitely the weight gainer. I've been on and off Depakote before with very little weight fluctuation, however with Seroquel I had not only a huge appetite that forced me to eat more, but I put on 20lbs in 2 weeks! I was really not into Seroquel at first, but it really did help with my mania.

Will your decrease in appetite get better over time on Vyvanse?

It more then likely will not. It sounds like you might need to switch medications or decrease the dose.

What is the hormone that tells your body that you have had enough to eat?

Serotonin which Controls mood, appetite, and sleep. Ghrelin which stimulates appetite, secretion of growth hormone from anterior pituitary gland Leptin which causes decrease of appetite and increase of metabolism.

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It is used to increase appetite and decrease nausea in cancer and AIDS patients.

You have no appetite when you do eat it makes you sick what is wrong?

Go and see your G.P. They should send you for tests. Sometimes prescribed medication can have side effects which decrease your appetite a great deal.

What birth control pill helps decrease my appetite and control acne?

Hello, No birth control pill will decrease your appetite. Eating small meals every few hours has been proven to decrease the appetite after a period of several weeks. In regard to birth control treatment of Acne, BC pills does help reduce Acne. There are many BC pills, all with different effects on Acne. It's advisable you speak to your Doctor about this as he/she can recommend the best treatment for you.

What is an Anorexiant?

An anorexiant is any means by which a decrease in body weight is promoted, particularly a form of medication which suppresses appetite.

Which of the followintg is not a motivation behind taking performance enhancing drugs?

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Does amphetamine increase appetite?

No. Taking amphetamine will decrease your appetite, and probably significantly. If I take 30mg of Adderall/Amphetamine in the morning, food is the last thing on my mind, and I often have to force myself to eat just to get vitamins and protein.However, if you get addicted to the substance, one symptom of withdrawal is increased appetite.

What schedule is seroquel in?

Seroquel is not a scheduled drug.