Yes. I have tested positive on every urine screen while taking 340mgs daily of Rhodiola. We are sending out this last urine to have a broader test done to see what it says. Do not take Rhodiola if you have to pass a urine drug screen.
To the above poster, what were your results? How long had you been taking rhodiola? Was your false positive attributed to rhodiola extract? If so, how and were you cleared from wrong doing?
No; Lipitor is not a psychoactive drug and would not cause a false urine test for amphetamines.
High amounts of dxm(cough syrup)could, possibly ketamine too.
CONCLUSION. Because naloxone hydrochloride is structurally similar to oxymorphone and its metabolites are excreted in human urine over several days, its potential to cause a false-positive opiate screen on standard urine drug screens is of concern.
None. By far the vast majority of false positive rumours are urban myths. See for a very long list. I blame 'Seinfeld' and poppyseed muffins.
yes it can I just went and took a urine test and it showed positive for benzos. I have not taken anything expect bactrim
Can trazadone give a false positive urine drug screen for methamphetamine
It did, once, for me.