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The reason you could get a posative from one brand of Oops test and a negative with another. Even if you use the same sample, the sensitivities of the different brand tests vairy.

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Q: Why would you get a positive OPK strip test but a negative on the Clear Blue Digital OPK with same urine sample?
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On Monday I did two clear-blue tests faint but positive today did digital clear-blue which says not pregnant?

If you got a positive you are pregnant. These is no such thing as a false positive. Another pregnancy test may give you a negative because it requires a larger amount of HCG to be detected before it will read positive. This is especially true for digital tests. So, congratualations.

What does the inside strip of a clear blue digital pregnancy test look like when it's positive?

The digital pregnancy tests are the same set up as the basic tests. You will urinate on the test (or dip it in your fresh urine) and it will say positive or negative, but if you were to take the test apart the inside has the strip that will show with the one (if negative) or two (if positive) lines. From my experience, sometimes the test will display a negative reading but the strip will be positive with a faint line so always double test a few days later.

If your first urine samle was positive can a split urine sample come up negative?

It depends on how the first sample was tested. If the first half was tested on a dipstick test and you KNOW you haven't been doing drugs--say, you're taking naproxen sodium for knee pain and you come up positive for marijuana (naproxen cross-reacts with the THC test), testing the split sample with GC/MS should clear you. OTOH, if you smoke weed and your first sample came up positive on GC/MS, assume the split sample will also be positive.

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The white stripe on clear speaker wire is usually the positive wire. You may also find it with dashes and this is still the one that will carry the positive charge.

First response said positive and clear blue said negative?

try more to make sure

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The clear difference between positive and negative rake angles is that for the positive rake angle,the leading edge of the cutting tool is behind the perpendicular of the material to be cut.While the tool leading edge is ahead or beyond the perpendicular for the negative rake angle.

You have taken the clear blue digital home pregnancy test and it showed a positive result so to confirm this you have done 2 others today but late in the evening they are showing negative are you preg?

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Does a negative and positive equal a negative?

If you have a negative and a positive, then all you have is a negative and a positive. If you want to talk about performing some arithmetic operation on a pair of numbers where each number has one of those signs, we can certainly discuss that. But you'll need to be much more clear in your question. A great start would be to specify which arithmetic operation you're interested in, and we can go from there.

What are the best pregnancy test?

clear blue digital tests, mostly the digital. you would want to buy the more expensive. to be sure about myself, i took five pregnancy tests from first responce and clear blue. they were all positive, and then i got the cheapest kind since sometimes they are inaccurate.. that too came up positive.

What is the positive color of silver nitrate?

When testing silver nitrate, a whitish color will yield positive results. If the test is negative, the color will turn clear and it will remain transparent.

With a Clear blue easy digital test do you really have to take it in the morning or is the afternoon just fine?

The reason they want you to take it in the morning is that the urine is more concentrated, meaning the hormone that is detected by the test is in greater quantity in the morning urine and will show positive or negative more correctly.