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because liquid mixes in food and water to dissolve

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Q: Why might it be better to give vaccine in a liquid?
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Why might it be better to give the vaccine in a liqiud rather than a injection?

it's a foolish website ever seen please don't see answer's from here because people them self write these aswer's.

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What is better for dogs liquid Benadryl or pills?

Pills when they take the liquid they seem to throw it up also with pills you can give more of a better dose and without any spilling

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Where can you get a Diphtheria vaccine in Mumbai?

Diphtheria vaccine is available at almost all Government Hospitals. Few hospitals give vaccine free of cost.

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How much does cholera vaccines cost?

Cholera vaccine is very cheap. Cholera vaccine does not give protection of more than 60 %. It may give you false sense of security. Never the less the importance of cholera vaccine can not be underestimated.

What instrument measures the volume of a square solid?

A ruler no a better way is by dropping the cube in a liquid containg beaker displaced liquid will give you the volume

Can you give blood after receiving typhoid vaccine?

No. You do not get gastroenteritis from typhoid vaccination.

Can typhoid be given in the gluteal region?

No. No vaccine should be given in gluteal region. You may give the vaccine in fatty tissue, which will make it useless.

When is the last dose of vaccine given to the infant?

i will give the last dose of hepa vaccine to the new infant at the a af 6 months old.