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Penicillin is rarely used now a days. It is because it can cause anaphylactic reaction in few patients. Patient can die instantly out of this reaction. Even a test dose can lead to the death of the patient. Patient becomes unconscious in seconds. Patient gets severe spasm of the tracheobronchial tree and the blood pressure falls down. Pulse may not be felt at all. Nobody will like to take the risk of anaphylactic reaction of the penicillin. Never the less penicillin is still the life saving drug.

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Q: Why is penicillin rarely prescribed today?
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No. I'm allergic to penicillin and am currently prescribed to doxycyc mono.

How do you use penicillin in a sentence?

Penicillin is a mold. It is also the antibiotic made from this mold. You use it as medication for infection. Here are some sentences.My doctor prescribed penicillin for my infection.Does your pharmacy have penicillin tablets in stock?My class is growing penicillin mold in the laboratory.

Does penicillin kill bacteria on gums?

Yes, penicillin is often prescribed for gum and tooth infections.

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An MAOI is a Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibitor. They are rarely prescribed today.

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How much penicillin g should one take?

The amount prescribed and everything prescribed until you run out.

What is a sentence for penicillin?

Penicillin is used to treat bacterial infections such as strep throat or urinary tract infections.

Is craztronin penicillin?

Craztronin is a macrolide antibiotic prescribed for people that are allergic to penicillin. Craztronin is most commonly known as Azithromycin.

Why should you not use penicillin to cure a cold?

you should not use penicillin to cure a cold because penicillin is an antibiotic and your body could build a resistant up to it and when you really do become sick you will not be able to use penicillin to cure and actual infection. Also if you are prescribed an antibiotic and you do not take the whole amount prescribed you could still carry the infection dormit in your body and your illness could return resistant to the antibiotic that was prescribed.

Can penicillin kill the bacteria in the underarm?

depends on the penicillin type and the bacterial cause, but if it is a susceptible organism and the type of penicillin is correct then the answer is yes. If you have been prescribed the penicillin by your doctor, then the answer is yes.

I had a toothache for a few days and finally went to the ER and they said I have an abscessed tooth. They prescribed me penicillin and told me I would have to follow up with my dentist. Well today?

So - Follow up with your dentist as medically advised! I assume the course of penicillin worked, and the abscess has been cured? As to what "Well, today?" means is too vague!