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Methadone does not is not bad. What you may think sucks, is that Methadone is given in place of other drugs, so you can break the drug habit.

Try the methadone, and see how much better you will feel, once you kick the drug habit and then you will be able to say that ''drugs suck''.

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Why does it look like ink is in your liquid methadone?

I don't know what methadone your taking but Methadone usually comes in clear or a pinkish, purple color. At some clinics, they mix juice in with the clear methadone. If you are taking a colored methadone, it is likely either juice from the clinic, or a sugar mixture for flavoring because methadone is very bad tasting. Methadone will taste bad even with strong juice mixed in.

Can you have a reaction if you take methadone and antibiotics together?

Yes! I had a very bad reaction from levaquin and methadone. It will put you into withdraw.

How do you cook methadone that's mixed with tang to inject?

This would be an extraorinarily bad idea.

Is if more effective to snort methadone?

NO. Do NOT snort methadone. You will regret it if you do. It burns very bad, and also is pointless as well. Methadone is a SLOW acting opioid and will not produce a euphoric effect any faster by snorting it. Also, methadone expands the second it touches moisture. If you do not believe me, put one in a cup of water and watch. It will get stuck in your nose.

Will ultram stop methadone withdrawl symptmoms?

DO NOT TAKE ULTRAM/TRAMADOL WHILE ON, OR COMING OFF OF METHADONE! You can, and probably will have a Grand Mal Seizure (Which is Very Bad)! How do I know this? It happened to me 3 times! I finally found out from my Methadone clinic that you can't mix the 2, or take Ultram while coming off of Methadone. It is a HORRIBLE experience! Please heed my advice! You can DIE!

What do you mix with methadone to get high?

The purpose of methadone is not to get you high, it is to enable you to overcome a heroin addiction. However much you may want to get high, that is a bad idea. Happiness comes from accomplishment in the real world; drug-induced illusions of happiness are not healthy for you. So don't mix anything with your methadone.

Is methadone okay for chronic pain instead of oxycodone as you have bad reaction to oxycodone and cannot take Tylenol due to liver restrictions?

yes you can take it instead of or with they use methadone to treat pain and or withdrawals for oxycodone

Does methadone make you have bad dreams?

No it is not the case. It makes you sleep but does not control you dreams. It does not have any side effects like that.

Is there opium in methadone?

No there is no opium in Methadone

What is detected in a Methadone Urine test?

Only methadone will be detected because the methadone urine test is specifically used to detect methadone.

Will methadone show up in your drug test after a three day period?

It is possible for methadone to show up after a three day period. Methadone can show up on a urinalysis up to 3 to 5 days depending on metabolism. Well for me I taken my last methadone 21 days prior and still tested positive for methadone so either I had a bad test or it can stay much longer. Now I am on Oxycodone for my Chronic back pain, maybe that had something to do with that. I know it is not supposed to as methadone takes a special test so just be careful. Good-Luck

Is methadose bad for you?

Methadone can be a dangerous drug. It is very powerful and very addictive. You need to be careful to follow the doctor's orders exactly, and not to take other medications on tops of your methadone. If you follow the prescription, methadone can be very effective. You just need to keep the dangers in mind at all times so you don't accidently overdose.