

Best Answer

Because the benefits are supposed to outweigh the side effects, Flouride is a rat poisin and causes discolouration of the teeth which is permanent, West Texas teeth is a well known condition caused by this poison.

2nd Answer:

Warfarin has been used for years as a safer alternative for heart patients than digitalis. However, in much, much stronger doses is also used a rat poison.

Chocolate has been eaten for years by most people in the world, yet it contains a poison which is not good for humans, and will kill dogs in fairly low amounts.

Water has been around since animals first swam the oceans and walked the Earth, yet if you drink too much, you will die. These deaths have been reported and documented.

Most people have prescriptions for a medicine or two or three, and especially with the antidepressants, they almost always cause moderate to severe problematic side effects.

So, what is the big deal about fluorides in water? (Hint: it's that end users cannot opt out unless they drink bottled water.)

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Q: Why is it that toothpaste containing fluoride does not display a poison logo on its product?
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How do you use fluoride in a sentence?

Dental professionals often recommend using fluoride toothpaste to help prevent cavities.

Toothpaste came from what rock?

Toothpaste is a manufactured product made from a combination of ingredients such as abrasives, fluoride, detergents, and flavors. It does not come directly from a rock. However, minerals like fluoride or silica, which are used in toothpaste, may be sourced from rocks or minerals.

What is the active ingredient in toothpaste?

Usually a small amount of Sodium Fluoride. Which is why toothpaste shouldn't be swallowed. Sodium Fluoride is actually an industrial by-product, and a hardener. While it does harden your teeth, ingesting it can also, over time, harden your arteries.

Is toothpaste a natural resource?

Toothpaste is not a natural resource. It is a manufactured product made from a combination of synthetic and natural ingredients. The natural ingredients used in toothpaste, such as mint or fluoride, may be sourced from natural resources.

Does close up toothpaste contain fluoride?

Yes, most close-up toothpaste products contain fluoride, which is known for its ability to prevent tooth decay by making the enamel more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria. It's always best to check the specific product label to ensure fluoride content.

How long is fluoride good after expiration date?

Fluoride toothpaste can still be effective after its expiration date, but its potency may decrease over time. Using fluoride toothpaste past the expiration date can still help protect against tooth decay, but it may not be as effective as a product that is within its recommended shelf life.

Which base is present in toothpaste?

The active ingredient of toothpaste is fluorine ions, which is not a base. Although there may be basic compounds added to toothpaste in order to make it a unique product according to the brands.

Which products contain fluoride?

Products that typically contain fluoride include toothpaste, mouthwash, and some dental treatments like fluoride varnish. Fluoride is added to these products to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen enamel. Some public water supplies also have fluoride added to promote dental health.

Bacteria effects of cellulose gum in toothpaste?

Cellulose gum in toothpaste acts as a thickening agent to give the toothpaste its desired texture. It does not have any bacteria effects but helps in stabilizing the product and improving its shelf life. The antibacterial effect of toothpaste usually comes from other active ingredients like fluoride or triclosan.

Can fluoride be injected by intravenous injection?

Fluoride is not typically administered intravenously because of its potential toxic effects at high doses. In cases where fluoride is needed for medical treatment, it is usually given orally or topically. Intravenous injection of fluoride can lead to serious health complications, such as electrolyte imbalances and heart issues.

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Is fluoride solid or liquid or gas?

You can order zinc fluoride from chemical supply houses. The product you get is a white powder.