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because it is an anti-coagulant that stops vitamin k from recycling. it does not thin blood it prevents clots nor does it treat pre existing clots

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Q: Why is it inappropriate to call Coumadin a blood thinner?
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Is watermelon ok to eat while on coumadin?

Watermelon has a diuretic action , as it is almost all water. Warfarin is to thin your blood. I see no problem, but call any pharmacist to make sure.

Do Mosquitos spit to keep your blood from clotting?

You can call it that. Actually they excrete a chemical into the hole they make with a type of blood thinner. This is what makes the bite itchy.

Can you take doxycycline and lovenox and coumadin together?

Doxycycline and lovenox have no drug interactions between themselves, however they both interact with Caumadin. Doxycycline and lovenox may enhance the anticoagulant effect of coumadin resulting in the delayed clotting of blood or spontaneous bleeding. The benefits of combined use of these two medications usually outweigh the risks and you should talk to your doctor if you have any concerns as dosage and timing do play a role in unwanted side effects.

Why is Call of Duty 4 a 15?

It has references to war and death, also blood and a few words that would deem inappropriate for the under 15's

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Besides guns, aliens, and blood? its fighting aliens though so its less inappropriate than call of duty. because in call of duty you are fighting people. in a war.

Can you mix coumadin with Aleve?

Almost everything interacts with coumadin. Aleve is specifically listed as interacting with coumadin. See your doctor or pharmacist. You can probably mix the two, but you need to pay attention to the effect on PT/INR, and on the short vs long term status of everything you take, so that you can adjust the coumadin dose. You are being monitored, aren't you? Again, see your doctor or pharmacist.

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a very inappropriate child

Can you take coumadin and oxymetazoline together?

As long as you don't take anything with aspirin in it like pecocet,vicodin.coumadin is a blood thinner.anything with aspirin should be avoided.Asprin also thins out the blood.Always check with your doctor before taking any other medicine with blood thinners.

Can you drink v8 fusion light while taking coumadin?

I would call the number on the back of the bottle or ask a doctor.

What inappropriate language does Call of Duty Black Ops have?

everything its for mature players only.

When was Call of the Blood created?

Call of the Blood was created in 1949.

When was Sweet Blood Call created?

Sweet Blood Call was created in 1975.