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Q: Why is it important to check the clients condition before giving medication?
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Is it safe for an epileptic to take ace diet pills?

Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.Every case of epilepsy is different so there is no single answer for your question. It is always best to check with a doctor or even in the pharmacy before taking any additional medication if you have another condition and may be taking medication for it too.

Why is it important to wash your hands before and after assisting clients in a dementia care home?

It is very important to wash ones hands before and after assisting clients in a dementia care home for a couple of reasons. One of them is to avoid passing disease along to compromised elderly patients.

give at least 3 reasons why is important to carry out a visual study of the feet and nails before we start the treatment?

so the 3 important reasons why we should have a visual study before treatment are; To master the step by step process on how to give treatment on your clients. To give our clients a better service. To give them a satisfaction.

When is the abbreviation co used before or after clients name?

* The 'CO' comes after the clients name.

Why is it important to remove the clients shoes before a Indian head massage?

So the client is conected to the earth and there fore gains a feeling of being grounded.

Can serrapeptase help capsular contracture?

There is limited scientific evidence to support the use of serrapeptase for capsular contracture. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any supplement to treat this condition. Traditional treatment options such as surgery or medication prescribed by a doctor may be more effective.

Can you give your medication to another person?

Never give or take medication from another individual. Always consult a physician before taking medication.Never give or take medication from another individual. Always consult a physician before taking medication.Never give or take medication from another individual. Always consult a physician before taking medication.Never give or take medication from another individual. Always consult a physician before taking medication.Never give or take medication from another individual. Always consult a physician before taking medication.Never give or take medication from another individual. Always consult a physician before taking medication.

What will happen if you put on the wrong medicine?

If you take the wrong medicine, it may not effectively treat your condition and could potentially cause harmful side effects. It is important to always verify with a healthcare professional before taking any medication to ensure it is the correct one for your specific needs and health status.

Can you take Viagra before surgery?

Viagra, also known as Sildenafil is a hypertensive medication. Normally patients are told that a small sip of water with their important medications before surgery is fine.

Is intake of oral isotretinoin a contraindication for sclerotherapy?

At least two weeks before any surgery, all medication that is not life supporting or of extreme importance, should be halted. This is most important in surgeries where blood clotting factor is important. Isotretinoin (Accutane) as well as other medication as contraceptive pills should be re-initiated only two weeks after surgery. It is important that you alert the surgeon and the anesthesiologist about any medication that you are on.

Do you have any medicine that is used for treating sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a very serious condition and should be treated. It is advised that you see a general practitioner or doctor before you take any kind of medication. Surgery may be considered to treat the condition.

Should pregnant women take percasets?

Definitely not! Always check with your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.Definitely not! Always check with your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.Definitely not! Always check with your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.Definitely not! Always check with your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.Definitely not! Always check with your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.Definitely not! Always check with your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.