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It's banned because medical profession types and overly concerned moms want to protect bulemics from themselves. Of course it hoses people like use who have allergic reactions to eggs and nuts. My daughter can tell within minutes if something had peanuts. By then the stuff is in her stomach. How do we get it out? Should we pay $150 to go to an ER? If we hit her with benadryl and an epipen, she'll be fine for awhile. But an ER will do nothing for her because she's showing no symptoms. Hopefully, she didn't eat enough that her body can't eject it before the epipen wears off... Ditto all that for my other daughter who's allegic for eggs. Thanks all you people who care only about bulemics.

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Q: Why has syrup of ipecac been banned from VA stores?
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How is the homeopathic preparation ipecacuanha available as an over-the-counter remedy?

Ipecacuanha is available in 30x potency; 1 part of ipecac has been mixed with 9 parts of alcohol or water, 30 times. The syrup of ipecac is then added to sugar tablets.

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Most do say that corn syrup causes cancer since it has been banned in other countries. I would say that it does cause cancer but it would be really hard sincce almost everything in America has corn syrup in it.

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it has not been "banned".

Is high fructose syrup bad for you?

Yes. Aside from being nothing but empty sugars, high fructose corn syrup has been linked to gastrointestinal problems as well. It's not as though corn syrup will harm you much more than any other empty sugar, but a person consuming large amounts of corn syrup is replacing calories that could have been from nutritious fruits and vegetables with a nothing less substitute. Answer: HFCS is banned in UK and about to be in Europe.

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Banned from what? To my knowledge, it hasn't been banned, and has been on TV.

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Where can you order ipecac syrup?

You can get Ipecac syrup at your local pharmacy. You should know that Ipecac can delay the administration or reduce the effectiveness of activated charcoal, oral antidotes, and whole bowel irrigation. If you think your dog or cat has been poisoned, you should contact your vet's office or poison control hotline for instructions of what to do, rather than automatically giving your pet Ipecac syrup. The ASPCA has a poison control center you can call in an emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, though they will charge your credit card $65 for the service. Their number is: (888) 426-4435. Another 24/7 emergency pet poison helpline is The Pet Poison Helpline. They will charge your credit card $39 . This fee covers the initial consultation as well as all follow-up calls associated with the management of the case. Their number is: 800-213-6680 Kansas State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital 785-532-5679 FREE 24 hours poison control hotline for pet owners and veterinarians. Be patient, the person answering the phone may have to take a few minutes to consult the vet on duty.

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The book Forever by Judy Blume was published in 1975.It is a great book but it has been banned from many libraries, schools, and stores. I think it should have only been banned from schools because it may teach a lesson of how many relationships could be.

Syrup of ipecac is no longer recommended for home use in case of accidental poisoning?

That's right, there are so many various poisons and some call for induced vomiting and some warn against inducing vomiting, the best option is to call poison control when you find out what form of poison has been ingested, they will direct you from there.

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It hasn't been banned, at least not in United States. However, Hot Coffee Mod has been removed from most of the games and has been banned. The game itself isn't banned.

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no cause that is the reason your banned