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Adderall is not a hallucinogenic drug, so not feeling anything after taking it once is quite normal.

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Q: Why don't you feel anything after taking 100mg of Adderall?
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Will ingesting 60mg of the add medication adderall in one dose kill the person taking it?

It is a possiblity, taking 60mg is not safe. Adderall causes your heart to speed up and raises your blood pressure. If you are going to take 60mg make sure you dont excersize. If you excersize your heart rate will raise drastically, putting you at risk of a heart attack. Also adderall raises your blood pressure so make sure you dont get too worked up about anything, or your blood pressure will get very high, which is very bad for your health. Theres many stories of people abusing adderall and taking 70mg of adderall, and they say they were fine, but just know the consquences of takiing the adderall.

Can you mix Adderall and testostrone supplements?

I work at a GNC and have had a prescription of adderall for a long time. I dont see any reason why it would be a problem as long as you are taking natural test boosters like tribulus. I take androbolix by biorhythym.

Will i feel high if i take 100mg of Tramadrol if im 100 lbs and its my first time taking it or will it be not enough or too much?

Try 150mg. if you dont feel it 1 1/2 hours later, do another

If you take 40 mg of adderall and 60 mg adderall xr daily when should you take your 150mg Wellbutrin XL?

unless you have depression, i dont think that the wellbutrin is needed. i got put on adderall xr and wellbutrin at first but they counteracted eachother. adderall should do the jobalone

Do taking vitaminc helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks?

NO! Vitamin C dont have anything to do with the skin's elasticity.

How many adderall is it safe to take in 1 day?

I have done about 15 20mg adderall in one night and im still here. jus dont do it all at once.

If you consume 12 oz of burbon and take adderall will it cause death?

Dont test it

Is it ok to take Adderall and fat burners?

Answer: The Adderall alone should work fine... I'm not too sure if fat burners even work really. But like I said amphetamines will decrease your appetite significantly and if you try to eat healthy you will shed pounds, i promise, you really dont have to exercise when taking adderall, you still lose weight.

What are side effects of a 30 mg caps of Adderall XR when you take 3 of them?

you wil probly end up in jail after having a psychotic episode similar to someone taking meth or speed or cocaine... wow dont do it

How should you feel when you start your Adderall xr?

well if you dont take it alot... youll feel amazing. It feels like you can accomplish anything and you have the motivation to do so. Its such a good feeling I wish i could still achieve.

What does avoid mergers and akward cuts mean?

well it means that when u are taking a pic dont leave anything out that can be kward

You have been taking adderall XR 40mg for a few months How many days need to pass without it showing up on a drug test?

they dont look for aderall on tests - - - - - Are you trying to get this guy thrown in jail? Adderall XR is time-release amphetamine--one of the drugs tested for on every drug testing regimen I know of. If you've been taking it a few months, you're looking at somewhere around at least two weeks to get clean of it.