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Vaccinations were discovered in the late 1700's when Dr. Edward Jenner realized that milk-maids exposed to cow-pox (similar to smallpox with no ill effects on humans) did not contract smallpox like everyone else. All vaccine's work on the same principle. They use a different strain of a virus that is similar to the one the patient needs to be innoculated to, but a much weaker or slightly different strain that our immune systems can easily defeat. Whenever the immune system encounters and defeats an outside invader, the body stores that information (in a crude sense) and remembers how to fight that virus.

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Q: Why does the virus in the MMR vaccine not cause measles when it is injected into a child?
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Can you get measles if vaccinated as a child?

It is possible but rare to get measles after being vaccinated as a child. The measles vaccine is highly effective, but no vaccine is 100% perfect. In some cases, the immunity provided by the vaccine may wane over time or the vaccine may not have conferred full immunity.

What was it help the mmr vaccine for child?

The MMR protects against measles, mumps, and rubella.

Why will antibiotics not cure a child of measles if they haven't had the MMR vaccine?

Antibiotics can only work against bacterium, whereas measles are caused by a virus.

A child that has not been immunised with the MMR vaccine develops measles suggest a reason why antibiotics will not cure the child of measles?

Measles is a viral infection. Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria. Bacteria and viruses are two very different types of germs, and antibiotics will do nothing to cure the measles.

How vaccinating a child with MMR vaccine makes them immune to measles?

MMR is measles mumps and rubella. If you give a strain of measles to a child, it's immune system develops anti bodies that destroy the virus, the anti bodies will stay around for ever and the child will be immune to measles as the anti bodies will prevent the measles virus from spreading.

Why is anti-measles vaccine given at 9 months?

The first dose of the anti-measles vaccine is given at 9 months to provide protection for infants who are most at risk for severe complications of measles. Since maternal antibodies begin to decrease around this age, it's important to vaccinate to ensure the baby's immune system can respond effectively to the vaccine.

Can a pregnant woman ge the measles immunization?

If a pregnant woman mistakenly gets the MMR vaccine or conceive within days of getting the vaccine, she should be counseled about the potential theoretical risks to the fetus. Getting the vaccine is not enough ground to terminating the pregnancy. Pregnancy registry of 324 pregnant women who got the vaccine did not show any terotegenicity to the fetus. No baby reported any adverse events due to the vaccine

What types of reactions can a vaccine cause in a child?


What is used to make measles vaccine?

The measles vaccine is typically made using weakened or inactivated measles virus strains. These strains are cultured in a controlled laboratory setting to produce the vaccine. Other ingredients like stabilizers, preservatives, and adjuvants may also be added to the vaccine formulation.

What is the World Health Organization's goal for childhood measles?

Child mortality due to measles is considered largely preventable, and making the MMR vaccine widely available in developing countries is part of WHO's strategy to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by the year 2015.

Can you get measles if you've had 1 MMR jab?

When you get the MMR, your body is supposed to be immune to the measles due to developing an antibody (like a cell marker) to be on standby of the virus measles ever returns. Sometimes, people do get the measles or mumps even though they have had the vaccine: My child had a bad case of Measles even though he had the MMR vaccine over a year earlier. I've read that only 95% of children are protected after the first MMR jab, and this increases to 99% after the second. I had the measles & mumps vaccinations when I was a kid (individual and separate doses) and I still developed mumps when I was 8 and measles when I was 13. The shots don't necessarily work. In fact, I think they are potentially more dangerous than the diseases themself. I recovered fully and had no ill effects from the diseases. ______________________________________________________________ I knew someone who had had the MMR vaccine and she still caught measles when my area had an outbreak of it because her immune system was weak. I got measles too but I hadn't had the jab because measles isn't nomally life-threatening nowadays and it helps to strenghten your immune system. Later there was an outbreak of slapped cheek in my class and I was about the only one who didn't get it.

How can you care for a child who has Measles?
