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Q: Why does the penicillin and lithium make you feel soo tired?
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What color makes you feel tired?

Yellow rooms make me extremely tired.

Does the Internet make you feel tired?

Yes the internet does make me feel tired, because all I am doing is sitting here browsing the web. I am not outside being active.

What are some songs that can make you feel tired?

Long ones.

Can fluoxitine make you feel dizzy and very tired?

That can be a side effect from the Fluoxitine.

How does alcohol make you feel?

it makes u feel tired n ill n thirstii n ova fings

When your cells need energy they send signals to your brain how do these signals make you feel?

When your cells need energy, they release a signaling molecule called adenosine which can make you feel tired or fatigued. This signals your brain to increase alertness and activity to supply more energy to the cells.

Does milk thistle make you tired?

Yes,but not all some feel no affects at all

Why does sex make you tired?

Sex is typically full of physical activity and it can make you tired. Also, "feel good" chemicals are released during sex that can relax you. And finally, a lot of people have sex in the evening when they are already tired to begin with.

Does clindamycin make you tired?

Yes, fatigue can be a side effect of clindamycin. If you experience excessive tiredness or weakness while taking the medication, it is important to consult your healthcare provider to discuss the symptoms and possible alternatives.

Does a MRI make you tired?

Sometimes having to concentrate on remaining still for a long period of time might lead you to feel tired after an MRI scan but there is nothing inherent in an MRI scan itself e.g. the magnetic field which will have any effect on how tired you might feel.