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Q: Why does the hormone estrogen decrease the milk yield of dairy cows?
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Does the hormone estrogen increase the milk yield of dairy cows?

No, it decreases milk yield.

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Increasing the pressure would increase the yield of sulfur trioxide because the reaction involves a decrease in volume. Decreasing the pressure would decrease the yield of sulfur trioxide because the reaction volume would increase.

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High levels of ozone damaged the soybean plants, decreasing the average yield.

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neither once the bond is created the yield is set. the bond price is simply a reflection of the current rate and the rate, 'yield' of the bond.

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as yield to maturity increases the bonds price decreases, because a higher yield to maturity means its riskier to investors

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A decrease in temperature would decrease the yield of ammonia as the reaction to produce ammonia is exothermic, meaning it releases heat. At lower temperatures, the equilibrium shifts to favor the reactants, resulting in lower ammonia production.

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Nope it doesn't you suck

A desirable feature is a cow with a low milk yield?

In most cases, it should be the exact opposite. For beef and especially dairy cows, a desirable feature or trait is to have a good to high milk yield. High milk yield in dairy cows means more milk to ship to be consumed by people. High to good milk yield in beef cows means bigger calves, as the old saying goes: "Lotta milk, lotta calf."

Why is percentage yield important?

Percentage yield is purely for an economic view, you dont want to waste chemicals. purity is for reputation of a drug. impurities have negative effects and decrease potency of a drug.

Will a bonds yield to maturity increase or decrease if the bond is downgraded by the rating agencies?

Changing of rating, in and of itself, will not affect the yield, but more generally, a more negative market view will see the yield rise and the price fall.

What would decrease the value determined for an actual yield of product?

a competing reaction that led to product decomposition

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Callable bonds will pay a higher yield than comparable non-callable bonds. Take from