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Yes, morphine can cause fluid retention resulting in swollen, feet, ankles, legs, etc. - this can also make your joints sore and stiff. It can also cause swelling in your mouth, tongue, lips, etc. - this can make swallowing difficult.

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Morphine help reduce swelling on your feets

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Q: Why does morphine cause legs and feet to swell?
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Is it normal for feet to swell up after receiving saline IV?

If there is an underlying cardiac or renal condition, fluid may pool in certain areas - the legs & feet being quite common. If that is not the case, then perhaps too much fluid has been given to quickly. But, generally no - feet should not swell after recieving fluid.

How do you know if your ankles and feet are swollen?

You will know if your ankles and feet are swollen by looking at them. Your legs may also feel heavy and can be a bit painful. Try to keep as active as possible and when sitting, avoid crossing your legs.

Feet swell even when sitting why?

Sitting for long periods can lead to reduced circulation which can cause fluid to pool in your feet and ankles, leading to swelling. Make sure to take breaks to stand and move throughout the day to improve circulation and reduce swelling. If the swelling persists or is severe, consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying health issues.

Can ibuprofen cause swelling in legs and feet?

yes, because ibuprofen retains water.

Help for Flying Legs And Feet?

Flying, especially for long periods of time, can be very hard on the body. Areas of special concern are the legs and feet. A passenger may be seated for a long time from gate to gate. This decrease in movement over time can cause the feet to swell and blood flow to slow. These problems can be decreased by wearing loose shoes or slippers while on the plane. With some men's shoes, simply untying them will help. Additionally, the use of compression stockings of 20mm Hg or more, readily available at drugstores, can prevent dangerous swelling in the lower legs.

What can be the cause that your legs get very or extremaly swell?

There are several causes of edema of the legs, these causes are water retention, venous insufficiency, malnutrition/kwashiorkor, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, cellulitis. Immediate doctor's attention is needed.

What would cause a cold tingly feeling in the feet and legs?

I have the same problem my doc. told me it,s in the lumbar section of youre back in which i have spurs there it can also cause cold or hurting ,weak feeling

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Most definitely! My leg pain is to die for...