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With vaccination your body mounts an immune response to the pathogen. You learn what the pathogen looks like and make antibodies (gamma globulin) against it. You then get memory cells which can last a very long time and will let your body respond and fight off the pathogen the next time you are exposed.

Gamma globulin is just an antibody that will circulate in your blood and and fight off the pathogens it was made against. You will not mount an immune response, and you will not get memory cells for long lasting protection.

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Q: Why does a vaccination provide long-lasting protection against a disease while gamma globulin provides only short-term protection?
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How are immunizations and immune globulin different?

immunization is the antibody giving to the human to get the immunity. but immun globulin is existing antibody in the human body.

What immuiuntity is provided by gamma globulin?

gamma globulin are the antibodies which provide natural active acquired immunity produced by B plasma cells.

Why are immunoglobulins called as G and A and M?

In the 1960's when immunoglobulin nomenclture was finally decided, names were given based on their respective features. Hence lgG stands for gamma-globulin (gamma region of mobility), lgA for alpha-globulin (no immunoglobulin fraction was found in the alpha region) and lgM for macro-globulin (is a protein macroglobulin and is the largest globulin/antibody in the human body).

What is TPAG?

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What is the antidote of immune globulin?

vit k