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Q: Why does a person that is dying not need their medicine anymore?
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What medicine can cause a person to sleep?

I dont know if u need a specific name, but I think allergy medicine.

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To look native to the medicine person

Do you need your medicine?

Yes you do need your medicine.

Why do some people arrange a date with you and then not show consistently?

This reason is either they are leading you on, and are not interested anymore, or just confused on what they want. You need to be upfront and confront the person about what they truly want, so you don't waste anymore time on the person.

Information about dying of the elderly?

Hospice is a very good resource for terminally ill people. They will help comfort the dying person and supply equipment and have resources to provide excellent care for people who need them.

What qualifications does a person need to be a veterinarian?

In the United States, you need to have a degree in veterinary medicine from an accredited school of veterinary medicine, a passing score on the NAVLE and a valid license to practice in the State you want to work in.

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If plants are dying, you need to find out what they are missing. You also need to check for diseases or pests.

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It isn't easy... but you need to be honest with this person. the longer you delay this the harder it will become!

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What do you do when your tropical fish are suddenly and unexpectedly dying you NEED HELP your favorite fish are dying a couple a day EVERYDAY what do you do?

Oh, dear. You probably have one or possibly two problems: 1. Your fish have a disease, and you need medicine for them. Do they have spots, or white fluffy fungus growth, or other Wierdnesses? If so, tell your pet shop person what's happening, and buy some medicine. 2. Is your tank water clean? If it's been a long time since you've changed out some of the water, maybe it's very polluted. If this is so, you should change *HALF* of it right away..being sure to use a bottle of dechlorinator to take out the chlorine.

After you broke up with someone how do you tell them you cheated on them?

well if you don't have feelings for that person anymore and that person doesn't have feelings for you anymore i think it is safe to tell them you had feelings for someone else .

What medicine used in uncontrolled urine at bedtime?

you will need a kind of urine medicine which you will need to go to the docter and ask for that kind of medicine.