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I am the same way! I eat with my medication every morning and then don't think about food until my stomach is physically growling around lunch.

A lot of the time i just drink some water or a Diet Soda though because nothing really sounds appealing and i just want the grumbling to stop. sometimes i eat half a piece of fruit or something but never more.

then whether i eat or not my stomach will stop until around dinner time when the medicine wears off and I'm able to eat something but still not very much because i haven't eaten all day and i think my stomach has shrunken down or something...


ive taken aderall but stopped. it used to make me not hungry at all but if someone put food in front of me i woudl eat it most of the time its one of the side affect of taking aderall put it this way it works better than ritlin or concereta ive used both aderall is the best

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13y ago
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16y ago

Answer: It really shouldn't. People who are obese take it as an off-label use. Technically it can make you tired because when it wears off it makes you exhausted. But when you first take it it makes you alert and active. If you are experiencing both of these side effects while taking Adderall, you should talk to your doctor about a dosage switch.

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14y ago

Yes. More specifically, it makes food seem unappealing. It's a side effect of adderall but try to force yourself to eat something anyways.

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11y ago

Amphetamines suppress appetite.

That's why they are prescribed for weight loss.

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Q: Why does Adderall make you not want to eat?
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If you want to die, yeah.

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Can strong a dose of adderall xr make you spacey?

Yes. Sometimes Adderall will cause you to focus so much that you become fixated on insignificant details. This will actually hinder your productivity and make you feel a little "spacy." Avoid caffeine and any other stimulants when taking Adderall. These things are not a good mix with Adderall and can make your brain feel numb rather than clear and efficient.

Would smoking adderall mixed with marijuana cause serious injury?

I Don't Think The Marijuana Will. On The Other hand, Smoking Adderall Will Cause Serious Injury Due To The Fact That Adderall Has Binders And Fillers With The Amphetamine. Smoking Those Will Basically "Rape Your Lungs" So Just Stick To Orally Taking The Adderall. If You Want A Little Bit Of A Better Buzz From Adderall. Try Taking Tums With Your Adderall.

Can you mix Adderall and nose spray?

I hope you don't mean you want to snort adderall, that just wouldn't work. Also I don't think you should take an allergy medication with adderall, the adderall (taken orally of course) will clear up your sinus anyway (at least for most people it does.