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Trouser Gnomes run out of your pants when you reach down to pick them and plant new ones there when you leave

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Q: Why do mushrooms grow back after you pick them?
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In harvest moon ds how do you get the mushrooms after they have grown?

if you have got them in the mushroom shed, you let them grow massive. then you can pick them and they will grow back. it starts over again.

Why do mushrooms grow back each year?

Mushrooms are the reproductive structures of fungi, which have an underground network called mycelium. This mycelium can remain dormant during unfavorable conditions and then produce mushrooms when conditions are right. As long as the mycelium is alive and healthy, mushrooms can continue to grow back each year.

Were to pick magic mushrooms in Nottingham?

In a cow pasture or u can jus grow them in a lab

Why are there no more mushrooms on backyard monsters?

i have the same problem but ive never had mushrooms in my yard ever :@ Having no mushrooms is probably temporary. Mushrooms will always grow back, but not that fast, and will take sometimes an excruciatingly long time. If the mushrooms don't grow back for several days, that means it is a bug.

With the abundant rain over the past month,mushrooms continue to spring up around my plants in my garden. Are my plants in danger I pick them when I see them grow. What can be done to keep them from coming back?

Your plants are not in danger. You can go to your local convinence store and pick up weed killers and spray the mushrooms with it.

What is the best kit to grow mushrooms?

I love the Back To The Roots mushroom kit :)

How do mushrooms grow and develope?

mushrooms grow on cow dung!

Do gypsy mushrooms grow in the tundra?

Gypsy mushrooms do not grow in tundra's. They prefer temperate climates and all mushrooms require moisture in order for them to grow.

How are mushroom and seaweed different?

Seaweeds grow in oceans and seas and it is considered an alga. Mushrooms grow on land and are the fruiting body of a fungus. Mushrooms also grow on things.

How do you get mushrooms on backyard monster?

Mushrooms aren't "bought". They will just grow on your plot of ground (not necessarily always inside the boundaries, though). Click on it and select the "Pick" button to make one of your workers (the tiny blue ball monsters) to pick it. You do not necessarily "get" mushrooms. Some mushrooms have prizes in them, like shiny (money that you usually can only get with real money)! However, a lot of them are duds, and cannot be used for anything else. They aren't a resource or anything. I always start my game of Backyard Monster by picking all of the mushrooms I see and trying my luck if most of them are mushrooms containing shiny. I suggest concentrating on building and attacking rather than worrying about picking the mushrooms though; they won't do anything negative to you.

Do mushrooms grow in deciduous forests?

Mushrooms grow anywhere that there is dampness and rotting vegetation.

What do they put in mushrooms?

I believe mushrooms grow that way.