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It's likely the hospital didn't pump your stomach because 20 Advil is not enough to kill most people. That said, taking a lot of Advil and drinking alcohol is very bad for the liver. It is a good idea for you to get help for whatever is cause your self-harming behavior. There is a Crisis Call Center you can call or text for help. The number is 800-273-8255 or you can text ANSWER to 839863. Good luck.

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9y ago

It is possible that you did overdose after taking 20 liquid gel Advil with alcohol. Symptoms include nausea, stomach pain and black stools.

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9y ago

If you took 20 Advil you did overdose. Anything over the recommended dosage is an overdose. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255).

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Q: Why didnt i have to get my stomach pumped after taking 20 advil with alcohol?
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Can taking Advil cause stomach bleeding?

Only if you overdose or take it with alcohol.

What happens when you mix Advil pm and alcohol?

No, it is not safe and may cause a reaction.

Can a cat get sick from taking Advil?

Yes, and actually your cat can die from taking Advil. Cats (and dogs) are very sensitive to human pain medications (Advil, Aleve, Tylenol, Motrin, ibuprofen, acetominophen, aspirin, etc.) and can develop fatal stomach ulcers at extremely low doses.

If you drinking alcohol over a long period of time where will it cause ulcers?

Alcohol, by itself, rarely causes ulcers. However, if you take it with aspirin or ibuprofin (Advil), both of which reduce the mucous that protects the stomach wall from stomach acid, the combination can lead to stomach ulcers.

Is taking Walgreen's Ibuprofen the same as taking Advil?

Yes, Walgreens Ibuprofen is the same as Advil. The active ingredient in Advil is Ibuprofen.

Does Advil have alcohol in it?

No... advil contains Ibuprofen which

Does taking Advil with orange juice lessen the effectiveness of the Advil?

No it doesn't

Celebrex and alcohol?

If you are taking prescription strength pain medicine, you should not take over the counter pain medicine on top of it unless your doctor says it will be OK. You can overdose on pain medicine ... and Advil brand of ibuprofen is hard on your stomach, which is why Celebrex is better (less stomach upset and stronger)

Are there side effects of taking ADVIL daily?

Taking Advil, since it is an aspirin regimen, can lower your risk of heart disease and heart attack. However, Advil isn't the best or the safest aspirin regimen to take. If you insist of taking an aspirin regimen every day, I would recommend Bayer aspirin regimen. But other than that, there are no really serious side effects. However, do not take an aspirin regimen if you are experiencing stomach problems. If your stomach feels like it is cramping or hurting really bad, I would recommend switching over to a Tylenol regimen. Tylenol is 100% ibuprofen. I am recommending this because you should NEVER take an aspirin regimen when experiencing stomach discomfort.

Will taking Advil before getting your eyebrows waxed help?

Yes as Advil does help with inflammation.

What happens when you get addicted to Advil?

there is not a physical addiction to advil. advil is motrin. however too much can cause blood problems and bleeding in the stomach. the "addiction" would be purely psychological

Is it safe to take pepto bismal and advil?

There are no interactions between the two, and though drinking may exacerbate your stomach problems, Pepto-Bismol can also help prevent problems caused by the alcohol.