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they feared the influence of a catholic monarch

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Q: Why did parliment pass the test act of 1673?
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Why did and parliament pass the test act of 1673?

The Test Act of 1673 was passed by Parliament to exclude non-conformists, mainly Catholics, from holding public office in England. It was a response to the growing fear and suspicion towards Catholics, particularly in the aftermath of the Popish Plot, a fictitious conspiracy alleging a Catholic plot to assassinate Charles II.

When was the navigation act passed?


What is the admiralty act?

The act passed by British Parliment which accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act.

Who made the sugar act?

The British Parliment passed the Sugar Act, the Intolerable Acts (Cohersive Acts), and the Stamp Act.

Why did Parliament passed the test act of 1673?

They feared the influence of a Catholic monarch

Info About the sugar act?

the sugar act was pssed by british parliment. it put a 3 cent tax on sugar.

Why did parliament pass the test act of 1973?

they feared the influence of a catholic monarch

What is the purpose of the townshend act?

The purpose of the townshend act was to strengthen the power of the British Parliment, along with the British Royals. Charles Townshend convinced Parliment to pass a series of laws imposing new taxes on the colonists which included special tax on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea imported by colonists. The acts also insured that colonial officials, such as judges and governors received salaries directly from the Royals.

What has the author Gaspar Fagel written?

Gaspar Fagel has written: 'A letter writ by Mijn Heer Fagel ..' 'A letter' -- subject(s): Dissenters, Religious, Religious Dissenters, Test act, 1673

Is there a test you need to pass in order to get into UCLA?

You need to take the SAT or the ACT and submit the scores. There isn't a Pass or Fail exam.

Did the sugar the sugar act work?

It did work and the colonists all loved it. The sugar act may have been the best idea parliment had sense the Stamp act.

What law did the English Parliament enact to control the Trade Triangle?

the Englishæ Parliment enacted the Navigation act of 1651. Stating that all goods that arrived on England or theæcolonies must arrive in english ships.æFor more information about the act of the english parliment go to