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Q: Why did Vincent have to remove his contact lenses at the police checkpoint?
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At a police checkpoint can the police put their head in your car?

yes, it is not considered a "search"

What exactly is a DUI checkpoint?

A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) checkpoint is a specific location a police officer will assess driver's alcohol consumption. So as a driver approaches a checkpoint, the police officer will first observe your behavior and search for signs of alcohol consumption. If the police officer finds a driver to be intoxicated, the police officer will conduct a series of assessments regarding to the driver's abilities in coordination.

What is a sentence using the word checkpoint?

There were no guards that night at the checkpoint, so they escaped over the border. The police set up a checkpoint to see if people were drinking and driving. When he arrived at the checkpoint, they checked his documents and told him he could go through.

What does the road sign DUI checkpoint mean?

The DUI checkpoint is a checkpoint that is made and overseen by police officers. It means drinking under the influence. It is to make sure drivers are not driving around drunk.

What do you think are the advantages or need for a police checkpoint?

They stop drunk drivers and they get a better look at suspicious looking peolple.

Are police check points illegal?

No. If they were illegal than any arrests or citations given because of the checkpoint would be dismissed.

Contact details for Zimbabwe republic police?

Contact address for Zimbabwe Republic Police

What has the author Maurice Vincent written?

Maurice. Vincent has written: 'La vie d'un flic' -- subject(s): Biography, Police

What happens if you hit an unattended car in a parking lot and leave and then get a letter to contact the police because you did not leave contact info?

Do what the letter says and contact the police. Chances are if you don't contact the police a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Who do you contact about discrimination?

The police

How to find car accidents that happened in west Virginia in August 2007?

The investigating police agency will have it on file. If it happened on an Interstate Highway, contact the State Police. If not on an Interstate, contact the local County Police/County Sheriff AS WELL AS the State Police. In on a city street, contact the city's Police Dept.

How can you findout if a stolen gun has been recoverd by police?

Contact the police