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At higher doses of drug combinations such as 1 gram of aspirin and 1 gram of Tylenol/paracetamol the body has difficulty breaking down the drugs and this extra stress can permanently damage the liver and kidneys.

NOTE. Never take more than 1 gram of Tylenol at once and never more than 1 gram of aspirin unless directed otherwise by your Doctor or Pharmacist.

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Q: Why can't you take 1000 mg aspirin and 1000 mg Tylenol but 350 of each is OK?
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How many people die each year from aspirin?

Aspirin overdose can be fatal, causing around 25 deaths per year in the United States. The majority of these deaths are due to accidental overdoses or intentional misuse.

What is the dosage for Tylenol pain pills?

Tylenol is simply the brand name,but it's a non-aspirin product,so why would you take both? I wouldn't recomend using both. You can alternate,though. Always follow the direction on the bottle as liver damage can occur with too much non-aspirin products.

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Im guessing that if you look closely, this is labelled as 37.5/325mg. This means there are 2 medications in the prescription. 325 mg is a common dosage for aspirin and tylenol. The abbreviation for aspirin is ASA. The abbreviation for tylenol is APAP. However, it could be a combination for ANY number of medication combinations. Pain medication is just a very common combination med. So for example, if a person was taking Percocet, the label would read 5/325mg oxycodone/APAP. This would mean that each tablet has 5 mg of the narcotic oxycodone and 325mg tylenol. This dosage (37.5/325 mg) is a common dosage for ultracet (ultram and tylenol).

What is the common chemical in Advil and Tylenol and aspirin?

If you're talking about the active chemical in them. Then no, they don't share a common one.Advil contains ibuprofenTylenol contains acetaminophenAspirin contains acetylsalicyclic acid.They're all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Each of those substances exert the same effect, which is preventing inflammation.

How many milligrams of aspirin are in each alka seltzer tablet?

Each Alka-Seltzer tablet contains 325 mg of aspirin.

How many mills to a gram?

those are two different measure ments and cant be compared to each other

Is low dose aspirin the same as baby aspirin?

81mg is the common dosage for "baby" aspirin

Can you take Codeine with Advil?

codiene as a pain relieverusually codiene is already mixed with a pain reliever, like Tylenol. (Tylenol #3 is Tylenol with codiene) to add advil would probably do you no better, and might even contribuite to a stomach ache. But if you already did it, it won't hurt you.

Can you over dose on tylonel?

You mean Tylenol? Yes. About 300 people die due to Tylenol overdose each year.

How many milligrams of Tylenol can you take at a time?

Tylenol contains acetaminophen. The maximum daily dose of acetaminophen must not exceed 4000 mg ('daily' means 24 hours). It is not recommended to take more than 1000 mg of acetaminophen at a time. The interval between 1000 mg doses should be about 6 hours. 500 mg doses can be taken more frequently, e.g. every four hours. Each Tylenol 500 gelcap, etc, contains 500 mg of pure acetaminophen. So, the daily maximum is 8 doses of Tylenol 500, not more than two doses at a time. The less, the better, as acetaminophen is not good for the liver.

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