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People over 60 can take any medication that the doctor deems right for them, even over the counter meds.

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Q: Why can't people over 60 take Advil PM?
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Can i take Advil after novicane?

Yes, you can take some Advil after you have had Novocaine administered.

Can someone over 60years old take advil cold and sinus?

People over 60 can take any medication that the doctor deems right for them, even over the counter meds.

Can you take 3 Advil and 2 Benadryl together?

It depends on your body type. Some people can handle it and some cant. I once took 2 benadryl and after 3-4 hours took 2 advil and 1 dayquill and I had abdominal pain on the right side below my chest... It basically puts your liver through strain because of toxins that your liver cant handle.

Why cant people over 30 hear masquito?

i am over 30 and i hear mosquitos. i take that very offensive!

What is the next step if a child 9 years old take an advil?

I don't think 1 Advil would hurt a 9 year old. it's over the counter.

Can you take Advil with doxycycline?

NO you cant! causes terrible itching and redness of the skin as well as worsens your headache.... severe causes may lead to vomiting

What is a good Advil for 14 year olds. can they take any Advil?

Yes, but take the minimum dosage.

Where can you find a free dog?

All over the place people are always giving puppies that they cant take care of away

Will your period become heavier then normal if you take Advil one month and not the next?

No, your period will not become heavier than normal if you take Advil one month and not the next. Taking Advil will not effect your periods in this way.

Can a person Take Advil And Delsym Together?

It depends on how old the person is. If the person is too young, it could cause an over dose.

You took 8 Advil to prevent pregnancy?

Advil don't prevent pregnancy no matter how many you take.

What is better Advil or Aleve?

The difference is the brand, and if you get migrains dont take aleve, or tylenol.