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Some people debate the idea of using vaccines because they are not fully informed and they don't understand the science behind them. All vaccines can be looked at as a medicine or drug and they do have side effects just as medicines do. This can be scary to some. Some people hear things and that makes them leery of using vaccines and some people just don't like anyone telling them what to do and when to do it.
Many of these people haven't lived in times when some diseases were just awful. Polio is one I am familiar with. We were all scared that we night get it. We knew about the iron lungs that some kids had to live in them forever. We saw some kids come back from summer vacation with the disease and how they were now disabled. We were not allowed to go out on hot summer days but had to be quiet and rest. No swimming allowed. When the Salk Vaccine came out, we all were at the school to get the injection. When the Sabin came out and we got that one just to be sure. Most people I know who are my age, always get their vaccinations.

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