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because we now have prefilled powder dispensers--eg Shower to Shower

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Q: Why are refillable body powder puff dispensers no longer available?
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Where can you buy 'Cachet body powder'?

They no longer make it. There is a spray available.

What happened to duz soap powder?

Duz soap powder was discontinued by its manufacturer in the 1980s due to declining sales and changing consumer preferences. It is no longer available for purchase in stores.

Why has Mycil Foot Powder been discontinued?

It appears that Mycil foot powder has not been fully discontinued. While it is no longer popular in the United States, it is available within UK markets.

What does coal gunpowder and blaze powder create?

Coal, gunpowder, and blaze powder can be combined to create fire charges. Fire charges can be used as ammunition for dispensers or as a throwable item to create fire upon impact.

What type of drug typically comes in the form of white powder?

Drugs as white powder can be any number of things. It can be heroin, cocain or crunched amphetamine like speed or ectasy. White powder also can be methylamphetamin, which is called Crystal Meth, too.

Where do you download Powder Toy 2?

The Powder Toy 2 is no longer officially downloadable.

What is the fuel of a hand grenade?

An explosive powder that is no longer used.

Does freezing cocoa powder keep it fresher longer?

yes it does! It makes the chemicals inside last longer.

Is Electral powder available in any favour or any colour?

Electral Powder is also available in an orange flavour; this ORS powder forms a colourless liquid on reconstitution approved by WHO. Electral powder has no artificial colour or preservatives. To know more about Electral powder side effects please log on to electral dot co dot in

Hand grenades make of?

Tin and explosive powder no longer used.

How can you tell baking powder is fresh?

If you take a pinch of the baking powder and put it in water, it should fizzle. If it does not fizzle, it is no longer fresh.

Can you wear loose powder alone?

You can but ts best if you use a liquid concealer on first then the powder on top so it will stay longer.