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The purpose of a vaccine is to expose an otherwise naive immune system to the pathogen, so it can recognise and quickly respond to that pathogen if it encounters it again. If you've already had the disease, your body will already recognise it if it sees it again.

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Q: Why after disease vaccination do not work?
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What is the difference between vaccination and medication?

Vaccination is used to prevent a disease and medication is used to treat a disease that someone has.

If your grandparent got vaccination for a disease why didnt their offspring get vaccination for that disease?

Those are things that are not passed from your parents or grandparents to you. Only if you had a gene that prevented you from getting a disease would that work. People don't usually get dog or cat or cattle diseases because they have an innate immunity to some of them.

How important of the prevention of disease was edward jenners discover of smallpox vaccination?

His discovery led to the eradication of smallpox around the world.

What is the use of vaccination?

prevents from disease

Which was the 1st disease to be cured by vaccination?

Diseases are prevented, not cured, by vaccination. Small Pox.

What is the weakened agent of disease that can provide immunity for a particular disease?

That is called a vaccination.

Why do horses have to rest after getting rhino vaccination?

Hard work after a vaccination can compromise the body's ability to respond to the vaccine, leading to a less strong immunity to the disease vaccinated against. Light exercise and turnout after vaccination may be beneficial to help reduce stiffness and soreness at the injection site, but heavy work should be avoided.

What is an injection to stop you from getting a disease?

It is a vaccination, or inoculation.

What is done to immunize the body against disease?


Does vaccination trigger the immune system?

The propose of vaccination is to trigger the immune system and help it recognize a disease organism.

What is an vaccination?

vaccination is a vaccine that stimulate your immune system to develop adaptive immunity to disease.

Why is vaccination important for your dog?

So they dont catch a disease