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Stethoscopes are used by medical professionals (doctors, nurses, health-care professionals, their students, etc.) and opportunistic professionals, including car mechanics. If you want to hear something without putting your ear on it, a stethoscope may work.

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13y ago

The doctors of course, or else, nurses too...those persons who are engage in medical courses and check ups.

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What is the doctor uses to listen to your heartbeat?


What does a doctor ues a stethoscope for?

he uses it to listen to your heartbeat.

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What does a doctor uses to hear your heartbeat?

This instrument is called a stethoscope.

What does the doctor uses in listening to your heartbeat?

A stethoscope is used to listen to the internal sounds of a human or animal. It can not only be used to listen to the lung and heart, but also the intestines and blood flow in the arteries and veins.

What are some uses for the stethoscope?

The stethoscope is mainly used by medical professionals to listen to a patient's heartbeat, blood flow, lungs and intestines.

Tool a doctor uses to listen to your heart?

i ink it is a stephascope

How do you spell stethoscope?
