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No one killed Brandon Lee on purpose- it was a bizarre accident. While filming 'The Crow', his character in the movie was to be shot by a prop gun that shot blanks, but something was wrong with the way the crew made the blanks. Brandon Lee died a few hours later.

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Q: Who killed Bruce Lee?
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Bruce Lee killed Chuck Norris in The Way of the Dragon.

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There are no records that indicate that Bruce ever killed anyone. As a youth he was often in fights and that is one reason he left Hong Kong.

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Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son

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There are many reasons, killed,overdose of medicine, too tired.

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He was killed during the making of the crow. They were rehearsing the scene where Eric (Brandon) gets killed and they didn't know that the gun was really loaded.

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the offical death of Bruce lee was misadventure but nobody really knows what killed him.

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Bruce Lee's son died during a scene, in which he was to be shot by a fake gun but the gun was a real one.