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don't think race or ethnicity has anything to do with it. a reaction because of an illness, or when your body is going though a phase - like pregnancy is different.. people with hepatitis c, or people with type 1 Diabetes's, HIV, or people that need to always be on an anti-biotic..........unles you reword your question, all i can think of..

And that would be the wrong answer.

Actually it is Asians. Since many have a gene that impairs the metabolism of alcohol. It is called the flushing effect. Reactions involve facial flushing, sweating and nausea after only a drink or two.

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Q: Which population group tends to drink very little or abstain from alcohol because of a biological reaction to alcohol?
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Drinking little or no alcohol means what?

You abstain, you are a teetotaler.

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You should abstain from alcohol: - if you're pregnant - if you plan to operate a machine that could cause injury - if you are taking medication that could cause a contrary interaction

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The reaction of a simple sugar with an alcohol typically produces a glycoside. This reaction involves the formation of a glycosidic bond between the sugar molecule (e.g., glucose) and the alcohol (e.g., methanol), resulting in the production of a glycoside compound. Glycosides are commonly found in nature and have various biological activities.

What action should you not take if friends do not accept your decision to abstain from alcohol?

apologize to them

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The reaction between alcohol and fire is called combustion. Alcohol can be flammable and easily ignites when exposed to flame or heat, leading to a combustion reaction that produces a flame.

Jonas Brothers have experimented with marijuana?

I shouldn't think so seen as tho they abstain from sex, alcohol and drugs.

Which is not a way to help a friend stick to a decision to abstain from alcohol?

Say that you will leave a party after just one drink.