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gametes a.k.a ovaries/testes

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Q: Which organ produces eggs and estrogen?
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What organ produces estrogen?

The organ that produces estrogen is the ovary.

Which reproductive organ produces the estrogen?

the ovaries

What best describes the ovary?

The ovary is a female reproductive organ that produces eggs and sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone. It is responsible for releasing eggs during ovulation and plays a crucial role in the reproductive system.

What are the sex gland that contains the eggs and produces estrogen and progesterone?

The ovaries

What animal organ produces eggs?


What organ will produce estrogen and progesterone in female reproductive system?

The ovaries in the female reproductive system produce estrogen and progesterone. They also store and mature the eggs.

Do ovaries secrete estrogen?

no the ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone. they produce eggs

What is the organ that produces eggs in humans?


Which reproductive organ produces the hormone estrogen?

Unspecific Answer is the Endocrine Glands.

What part of the ovary that produces estrogen and progesterone is know as the?


What the luteum?

It produces estrogen and progestogen.

What are the purposes of estrogen?

Girls need estrogen as it is a female hormone. It produces your characteristics and feminine personality.