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Medications such as Antipsychotics (Seroquel, Risperdal, Geodon) and Mood Stabilizers (Lithium, Depakote) along with Benzodiazapines (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan) are known to cause more sedation and lethargy.

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Q: Which medications for depression or ADHD or bi-polar make you feel lazy and unmotivated?
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Is it possible to have ADHD bipolar disorder depression and anxiety?

Someone with bipolar disorder already has periods of depression, and a symptom of depression can include anxiety. The increased energy levels associated with the manic episodes of bipolar disorder may look like ADHD. An individual with bipolar disorder is not likely to be diagnosed separately for depression, ADHD, or anxiety.

What was Kurt cobain disorder?

Kurt suffered from ADHD, bipolar, and manic depression.

Is it possible that Strattera taken to treat ADHD can worsen manic depression symptoms?

yes, it can trigger bipolar symptoms, as can anti-depressants and other ADHD meds. - especially if u are not on a mood stabilizer

Which of these major mental health problems is the worst in America today?

Depression/Bipolar and ADD/ADHD is becoming more known among the American people.

What other type of disorders can be here if the person is not quite bipolar?

Depression if they are sad, or they might have ADD or ADHD depending on their behavior and how they handle different situations.

Which medications treat depression and AD D in adults?

Methyl Phenidate is used in ADHD and can be also used in depressive disorder.

Your daughter has ADHD and bipolar she is on 40mg of Vyvanse and 12mg serequel all the sudden she is behaving strange what are some other options besides serequel?

Let me begin by saying that I hope your daughter is being followed by a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner that specializes in working with children. I am not a doctor, however I have worked with individuals, of all ages, with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder and ADHD is not uncommon, but it can be difficult to treat, because many medications used to treat ADHD can trigger Bipolar Mania. I would not be surprised if the vyvanse triggers symptoms of mania at various times of the year. I would continue taking seroquel, discontinue the vyvanse, and start Straterra. Honestly, (again, I am not a physician) the only ADHD med that I trust, with an individual who has Bipolar, is Straterra. Straterra is not typically prescribed to children, however it is the only medication that treats ADHD which is not a stimulant. Check out my previous post about Bipolar Treatments: What are effective treatments for bipolar disorder Be well.

What does rule out ADHD diagnosis mean?

it means a doctor is left with anxiety or bipolar since it is not adhd

Is Abilify prescribed for ADHD?

Not as a standard treatment. Typically Abilify (aripiprazole) is used for conditions such as bipolar mood disorder. There have been some studies looking at using it in ADHD, but they are just in the research phase. So, in a few years, this may be something else to try, but for now, most physicians stick to one of the standard classes of medications. In someone who has bipolar and ADHD both, this might be a possible treatment now. ! Dr. B.

How is seroquel used for ADD?

Seroquel is an anti-psychotic used mainly in the treatment of bipolar disorder. If an ADHD individual is suffering from bipolar mania, this will help them stay more even throughout the period indirectly helping their ADHD (by lessening the symptoms of bipolar). Seroquel is not used for ADHD; it is used to treat bipolar disorders.

Can ADHD medications cause increased sweating?

Yes, a common side effect of most ADHD medications is increased sweating.

Can you take medication for ADHD and depression together?

Yes, it is very much safe to take anti-depressant medicines to remove your anxiety disorders. You need to use Librium Medication to stay away of anxiety and panic attacks.So, you are suggested to buy Librium 25 mg from OnlineDrugPills online medical store to destroy your anxiety.