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Q: Which is stronger 15mg mirtazapine or 45mg?
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Can you take mirtazapine with propranolol?

Yes my GP prescribed me both for anxiety. I have to take 1 40mg Propranolol tablet up to 3 times a day. I have found one with breakfast and one with dinner to work well for me. At night i have to take 1 or 2 15mg Mirtazapine tablets. With those i have found i get drowsy at 15mg but completely fine at 30mg. Everyone is different so pleasetake what I'm saying for what it is, personal experience.

How do you cope with insomnia?

Medication. There are a range of 'sleepers' available from your Doctor although some GP's can be hesitant to prescribe them. Temazepam is an efficient drug but is among the drugs GP's are most cautious to prescribe. Mirtazapine is described as an antidepressant but causes sleepiness. Most GP's recognise this value and it is a preferred alternative to tranquilisers. A tolerance to this effect can build up over time but seems to plateau at 45mg. Some people experience drowsiness during the following day which may effect your work (here it is a question of weighing up the pro's & con's. Insomnia in itself is just as likely to affect work performance.) 15mg, 30mg & 45mg tablets are on prescription so it is quite simple to increase or decrease your dosage accordingly.

Are mirtazapine sleeping tablets?

can mirtazapine tabs help you sleep?

What pills should not be taken with Mirtazapine 15mg?

high blood pressure drugs including water pills,certain antihistamines, antibiotic Linezolid , supplements that have St. John's wort or L-tryptophan, narcotic painkillers, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills

Im on 375mg of Venlafaxine 45mg Mirtazapine 800mg Quetiapine Pregabalin 300mg Codeine 2 tablets 6 to 8x a day at 30mg and 500mg 2 Paracetamol. Am I at risk of heart or liver failure?

That is an overwhelming amount of information. Just from the paracetamol alone you are puting yourself at risk of liver problems.

Can amitriptyline be taken with mirtazapine?

can amitriptyline be safely taken in combination with mirtazapine

How much clonazepam mirtazapine temzepam with kill me all together?

I have done a over dose on mrtazapine resently i had a fit 2wice and woke up 16 hours later in th hospital i took 56 ov them and meny other tablets 2 soo u will need a minimum ov 100 45mg

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What is equivalent to 45mg of sodium?

45mg of sodium is equivalent to 1.15mmol or 1.15 milliequivalents (mEq) of sodium.

How many mcg equal 15mg?

.15mg equals 150mcg

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