take Arsenicum album 200 twice a day, followed with Blata Q in half a cup of water, thrice a day. Asthma needs prolonged treatment. S C GAKHAR
There is no such remedy
Find a homeopathic veterinarian and ask. There are a few, but antibiotics are still the most effective remedy.
Ledum Pal
Rauvolfia serpentina Q
Nux Vomica
Aromatherapy oils can cancel out the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedies which contain the essence or vibration of a substance. Peppermit, for instance, will negate the good effect of a homeopathic remedy. Instructions for homeopathic is to avoid brushing your teeth, use mouthwash, etc. before or after the use of any homeopathic remedy.
Ginseng and constituional remedy
arnica Montana
It is risky to take a cold remedy with tramadol and Valium (diazepam) because there may be a high dose of antihistamine in the cold remedy. All three, regardless of the amount of antihistamine, will have a sedating effect.