

Best Answer

Acne cream is a way to assist the acne from flaring up. It is not to be used as a solve-all cure, but rather to assist. Other complimenting ways of reducing acne is eating a clean diet and drinking plenty of water.

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Q: Which acne cream is more than likely to work?
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What are the risk factors for developing acne?

Age. Due to the hormonal changes they experience, teenagers are more likely to develop acne. Gender. Boys have more severe acne and develop it more often than girls. Disease. Hormonal disorders can complicate acne in girls.

Triamcinolone cream helps acne?

I use triaminiclone cream on my face for eczema. i also have acne. while it definitely helps with the redness and puffiniess because it is a steroid cream i wouldn't say it helps with acne. it isn't going to correct the problem or prevent further breakouts but it will make the marks less unsighly.

What are some new acne treatments?

There are new acne treatments that involve the use of lasers which offer a more long term solution than creams. One can also get new treatment from the Salcura Antiac cream.

What causes adult acne?

Women are much more likely than men to have acne in their 20s, 30s, 40s. Some doctors say it's because of cosmetic use and birth control pills.

Finding an Acne Cream that will Make Your Skin Peachy Keen?

There are a number of reasons why acne can occur in teens and adults. Whether you request a prescription from your dermatologist, browse the health and beauty isles of your favorite department store, or order by mail, you will find that there are many blemish creams on the market. While some acne sufferers make a selection based on recommendations from a doctor or friend, many simply choose an acne cream that has the most alluring advertising. For the most aggressive cases of acne, seeing a dermatologist is often the first step. He will be best able to devise a treatment plan that may include an acne cream that is not sold over the counter. If your acne is not that serious, trying one of the many zit creams available in drug stores will most likely be your best first course of action. While many contain similar ingredients, the amount of medication that is in each tube of blemish cream can differ. Often, the packages will note the strength of the medication. Then, you can determine for yourself how powerful a zit cream you need. If you are looking to cover up your acne while you treat it, there are also pimple creams on the market that are tinted. If you can use these creams instead of pore clogging foundation, you are more likely to get the clear skin you are hoping for faster. Many who have tried over the counter acne creams but have not seen a significant reduction in their acne have opted for mail order blemish creams. With the goal of curing acne quickly, these zit creams are often part of a multiple step system designed to aggressively treat acne. While they may be more costly than blemish creams sold in the local drug store, many teens and adults who experience light to moderate acne swear by the pimple creams included in these systems. Finding a zit cream that works for you may take some trial and error. It is often recommended to start off with a pimple cream that contains a lesser amount of acne fighting medication before taking extreme measures. While many find relief with over the counter treatments, others with more chronic acne need to investigate the stronger alternatives that only a dermatologist can offer.

When going to hospital for acne do the hospital take blood?

more than likely they will, but its only for some medicines so they can keep track of your blood cells and liver function

Do chickens like ice-cream?

we will never really know, but more than likely the answer is NO, because chickes like grains.

Why do people like ice cream more than cream?

Because ice cream has more sugar and flavoring in it.

What is modernate acne?

Moderate acne means that it as not a bad case, but not an easy case. Moderate acne is constant, it is more than a few pimples now and then. But it is not severe, the acne goes away with basic treatments and it isn't overly cystic.

Is acne on breasts a sign of pregnancy?

Many women get acne on their breasts because that area can sweat more than other areas. Acne can also be a sign of pregnancy because of hormonal changes.

What was true about child laborers?

They were much more likely than adults to be injured.

Is a pint of milk more dense than a pint of cream?

Cream is lighter than milk Fat is lighter than water and floats. The cream raises to the top.