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It depends on the pill you are using. Some allow for monthly break through bleeding which mimics a brief period. Others will allow you to have just four short periods per year, but you have to stop taking the pill every 3 months for a week; then you will have your period.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

On the combination pill you don't get a period - the purpose of the pill is to suppress your menstrual cycle so that you don't ovulate, thus in turn you don't menstruate. The bleeding women get on the pill is a withdrawal bleed caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills, it is meant to mimic menstruation but is not the same thing. It's normal to see irregular bleeding for the first three months on a new pill while your body adjusts.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Hi, You will get your period during the 7 day break or during the 7 days you take non-hormonal pills (maybe different colour from your usual pills).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

the ovum is a curcular cell with a cell membrane and a cell wall around the cell membrane. it has a nucleus in the middle which is surrounded by cytoplasms.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes. If it is the pill that you are taking, you will still get your period. It is only contraceptives such as the shot or implant that stop your period.

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Q: When you finish the pack of birth control pills do you automatically begin your period?
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What day does your period begin while taking birth control is it once you stop taking the active pills or does it begin when you finish the entire pack including the inactive pills?

The first day of your period will start once you stop taking the active pills.

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Do not stop taking your BCP, take them as ordered by your pharmacist, doctor or midwife. Finish the pack you are using then start using the next pack. Changes in menstruation for the first couple months is completely normal.

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You will begin your period the next month as usual, except more on target. you are supposed to start the birth control the first Sunday after you get your period, so you are doing it right.

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What if its the first week after your period and you niss three pills?

Start retaking your pills to finish the cycle. Don't have unprotected sex until you begin your next cycle, you could very well be fertile.

If you start using birth control on the Monday after your cycle will it still be effective?

birth control becomes effective after the first month of use. So you would begin the pill after your period, use up a pack, get your period and then you are protected. everytime after that, you have nothing to worry about unless you mess up on your pills.

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What should you do if you have been off of your birth control for 2 weeks should you go ahead and start a new pack?

Wait until you have had your period, and then begin taking the new pack the Sunday after your period is done. Good luck!