Morris Tischler created the cardiac pacemaker.
An Artificial Pacemaker basically regulates the rate of the heart beat depending on the needs of the body.
It means that a functioning pacemaker is in place.
A cardiac pacemaker uses electric impulses to regulate a beating heart. Cardiac pacemakers are designed to treat various forms of arrhythmia (heart beat irregularities).
A pacemaker or that new device that is a artificial heart that french doctor created.
Pacemaker The heart's natural pacemaker is the sinoatrial (SA) node. The SA node sends an electrical impulse through both atria, pausing at the atrioventricular (AV) node, which is a small mass of cardiac muscle. To restore normal rhythm in the case of a block, an artificial cardiac pacemaker can be implanted in the chest.
Cardiac arrythmias.. Sometimes life threatening cardiac arrythmias. Inneficient cardiac out put and death.
cardiac muscle
wandering baseline