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ye but not as good and intense as oxy, but itll do the job, definently get rid of your withdrawl tho.

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Q: When snorting morphine will it get you high like snorting a Oxycontin?
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Will morphine help my tooth pain away?

Yes, Morphine does effect your teeth like any other opioid medication. These medications include: morphine, hydrocodone, vicodin, lortab, roxicodone, percocet, oxycontin, etc...

What is the name of the pill that last 12 hours with morphine and percocet in it?

There is only one 12 hour pain med on the market, and that's OxyContin. It isn't a combination of Percocet and Morphine - Percocet is a combination of Oxycodone and Tylenol. Oxycodone, like all natural opiate meds, are morphine derivatives. OxyContin is a timed-release version of Oxycodone.

Does snorting morphine sulfate prevent withdrawals?

it helps somewhat definitely better than nothing but not real strong or euphoric or anything like that.

Does Oxycontin come up as opiates in a dip test?

Yes it does. It is opiate based, like Vicodin, percocet, morphine, heroin, etc.

Can snorting Oxycontin make you hyper?

you will feel good for a bit but most likely, just like if you were to swallow it, you will get nauseous. if your not actually in pain and want a similar high i recommend taking some anti-anxiety meds, much less side effects.

Is morphine the same as roxycontin?

Yes Roxanol is the liquid form of Morphine Sulfate. You can only take it orally and it tastes like crap. Roxanol us ultra concentrated. 1ml has 20mg of Morphine in it. So becareful with it. As a nurse the usual dosage I give is 0.25-0.50 ml which is equal to 5-10mg of morphine.

Is MS Contin stronger than morphine?

yes it is. but it will not give u the same feeling as Oxycontin... I myself like the feeling of Oxycontin more than morphine. And the morphine really doesnt help with my pain at all. <3 Tabby <3 There are also a few things that should be noted with morphine, that often doctors are not even aware of. Morphine should NEVER be used for a patient experiencing acute or chronic pancreatitis. I learned this the hard way, as I was begging them to stop giving it to me, as it felt as though it were an acid, burning my stomach. Later, through research on my own, I found out that it is not supposed to be used on patients experiencing that illness. I have also found, through personal experience and that of many others I know... morphine makes me very sick. I start vomiting almost immediately, and the jerking and spasms from the vomiting makes me hurt worse, defeating the purpose! It doesn't make sense, but they can give you morphine more often than they are allowed to give nausea injections in the hospital. I have found Oxycontin, oxycodone, and the other meds in this family to be much less likely to cause the nausea and vomiting.

Is morphine sulfate Oxycontin?

Well, first of all, I don't even know what Oxycontin IS, so I can't answer that for you. Plus, you really need to work on ur grammar :P-Greenwulf kyuu~ ;3Hey greenwulf...the question was for people WHO KNOW what Oxycontin is..duh...and your a big one to talk about someone elses grammar...and unless you've been under a rock for the last 10yrs pretty much everyone knows what Oxycontin is....that is if you ever listen to the radio or watch t.v. even once in a while...someone on here really needed some info and all you did was put them down and try to act superior!...If you didn't know the answer then you shoul've kept your mouth shut and not be so nasty...that person was actually asking for help and you acted like a little B..... maybe from now on if you don't know something keep your insecure snarky comments to yourself!! The Answer to your question is no. Oxycontin, a time released version of oxycodone is made up of just that, oxycodone and oxycodone is a synthetic opiod whereas morphine is not synthetic and different in chemical structure, though in the correct doses the effects can be matched and they are often prescribed for the same ailments, there is however no morphine in Oxycontin, or oxymorphone, contrary to popular street myth, there is morphine in morphine.

Can you potentiate soma?

yes. pop some oxycontin, tabs, morphine, and opium related drug. i use to take like 80mg to sometimes 160mg of oxycontin and pop one or two somas and then wait like an hour or so and then it was complete euphoria nodding off and then some. but its dangerous and im surprised im not dead. opium is something not to mess with.

Do you get a buzz or get high from the Fentanyl patch like you do when you take Oxycontin?

Not after the first couple of weeks when you get used to the dose. Unlike OxyContin, patch doses are much more steady, and there's no steep dropoff in dosage level like there is with OxyContin as the drug wears off. Essentially, you feel pretty normal, just no pain.

What is the name of Oxycontin in homeopathic medicine?

There is nothing like Oxycontin in homeopathy

What is the best painkiller for knee pain?

For a knee replacement I am not sure how intense the surgery and physical pain afterwords is so I can not tell you an exact answer but most likely the doctor would either give you high Oxycontin's (atleast 40mg, the highest they make is 80mg and who knows maybe you will get 80mg, if the pain is as bad as back surgery, probably 80mg, if much less severe (not MUCH less just a noticeable difference in pain, then probably 40mg or 60mg Oxycontin pills) or you might get morphine (sorry but I am unfamiliar with the dosages of morphine, but I do know that even the lowest dose of morphine is pretty intense (intense as in extreme pain relief) so the lowest dosage of morphine is probably about equal to 40mg of Oxycodone (which is the drug in percocet and drug in Oxycontin as well, Oxycontin is called oxy-contin because its continual release, it has a coating on it and its a very small pill, it has no Tylenol in it like percocets do.) In conclusion, you would only get Oxycontin or morphine, there arent any other narcotic pain relievers (that are strong enough (for example there is vicodin, a weak percocet, and theres also darvacet, like a weak vicodin, and probably some others too) it really just depends on the doctor in the end. If your having financial problems he may give you the one that is cheaper (im not sure which that is) but equal in pain relief to the other drug, so theres nothing to worry about.