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Q: When should a baby start smoking?
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Does smoking reduce chances of having a healthy baby?

Yes! Smoking can do two seriously harmful things to a baby. Firstly, the baby can be born with blood poisoning, and secondly (perhaps of the two that cannot be cured) is that the baby can be born addicted to smoking, especially if you smoked from the start to finish of the pregnancy.

Is smoking weed bad for the baby in the first month?

smoking weed is bad in general, but yes, i wold say that smoking weed during a pregnancy should be highly avoided as it probably harms the baby.

One example of how smoking harms a mothers baby?

The baby can be smaller then it should and the risk for asthma is bigger.

What is the average age for someone to start smoking?

there isn't one, no one should start :) there isn't one, no one should start :) there isn't one, no one should start :)

How long to wait to start back smoking after having a baby?

Forever. Smoking will cause your baby to have asthma and other diseases and conditions. It isn't worth your child's health to go back to smoking. It will kill you in the end, and don't you want to live to see your child's children?

Is smoking weed bad for an unborn baby?

In no way but it does increase the chances the baby will have problems.

Should you quit smoking immediately after finding out your pregnant or take it slow?

The sooner the better. The baby will take more damage from your smoking then withdrawal.

When children start smoking?

They shouldn't start smoking, but most start at adolescense. Now, I'm not telling any teenager to start smoking!!

What does A lot of baby boomers are baby bongers mean?

It appears to be a play on words, suggesting that many baby boomers might enjoy smoking marijuana (referred to as "bongers" as a nod to the bong, a smoking device). This statement is not based on fact and should not be taken literally.

How long should an expectant mother stop smoking weed before her baby is born so the baby can pass a drug test at the hospital?

Are you kidding me? An expectant mother should not be smoking, or place herself near, cannabis smoke what so ever. Smoking of the ordinary kind can trigger early birth or some developmental problems, as was in the case with my birth. Now I am not saying smoking herb is BAD for YOU! But it is bad for your baby. Many things that are okay for adults are bad for kids developing. That is not a good way to give a good start to your kid. Nonetheless, you asked for an answer, here it is: the blood levels of cannabis vary upon the frequency of the smoker. If it was just once or twice that the mother tried it, stopping smoking at the second trimester should be fine. However, if she is a chronic smoker, then efforts should be made around the first trimester to stop.

How does marijuana smoke affect a 2 month old baby?

NO smoke should be inhaled by the baby at all. Its more harmful to the baby to breathe it in than to the person who is smoking...which is stupid.

From which should a baby start drinking full cream milk?

A baby should start drinking full cream milk at the age of 1 year or more.