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You should always ask the Doctor Who prescribed you the medication about these matters. Sudden withdrawal effects (in some cases extreme) can occur.

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Q: When can you stop taking an ssri?
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Is Lexapro a narcotic?

Lexapro is not a narcotic, it is an SSRI antidepressant. Like a narcotic though, you should not just stop taking Lexapro suddenly if you have been taking it for a while.

You took an SSRI 1 night before ecstasy will you feel the ecstasy?

If you are taking an SSRI regularly, you should not be mixing it with MDMA. They both negatively affect each other. The effectiveness of both is diminished. It takes about 2-4 weeks for most SSRI's to clear your system.

Is lamactil an ssri?

Lamictal (lamotrigine) is not an SSRI. It is an anti-convulsant.

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Will an SSRI show up on a drug screen?

Drug screen includes illegal and addictive substances, nobody cares if you take an SSRIs. So no usual tox screen reports SSRIs. If however doctors try specifically to find out if you are taking an SSRI, then yes, it can be detected.

Is celexa a benzodiazepines?

no... celexa is an ssri antidepressant and no relation to benodiazepines

Can I stop taking cymbals and immediately start taking pritstiq?

No, you can stop taking cymbals and immediately start taking pritstiq.

Why do i feel worse taking SSRI's?

It is believed that SSRIs can actually increase anxiety and agitation initially, and some think that this is why some patients feel worse. Others think that SSRIs actually make you feel worse at the beginning but this will change later. I don't think that doctors have reached a conclusion on this. Because there is a significant record of suicides after just taking an SSRI, I strongly advise you to immediately seek help. Your doctor may add an anxiolytic, switch to different SSRI or may try an other class of anti-depressants.

Can an SSRI cause ED?

Yes - it is a very common side effect of SSRI medication.

Is depakote a SSRI?


Can you get your period if you stop taking it?

i think the real question is... can you get your exclamation point if you stop taking it?

What does SSRI stand for?

SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. A group of anti dipressants SSRI stands for Secure Storage and Retrieval of Information.