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because the shot is designed to make it impossible to carry a baby in your womb. And your body go thru a lot of changes which the depo messes with your hormones and causes imbalance of hormones which causes abnormal periods or no periods at all

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12y ago
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12y ago

When I went to get my depo shot I didn't know I had my period I was checked in a pap smear and they said I " had" my period they gave me the depo the same day I never even saw blood at all after, I had unprotected sex after a week and know I'm having nasea so I thinly it might or might not

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18y ago

Not necessarily, I was on depot and my period stopped immediately, but after a week or so it started up and I had my period everyother week.

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12y ago

is it normal for your period to stop after your first

dose of depo provera? have nausea and cramps and feeling down is this all part of it at he beginning

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Q: When can you expect to not get your period anymore after starting first depo shot?
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Your body probably thought you were ready but you were really not. You will start again dont worry.

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